Seat buddies

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My door swung open as someone jumped on my bed. I sat up yawning. I looked up at Hyunjin who was sitting sleepily on the foot of my bed. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 5:00am)

Y/n- why are we up so early?

HJ- so we can beat fans and cameras. (I huffed and rolled my eyes remembering I left the kitten with Kim last night. Hyunjin got up and Left my room. I uncovered my body with my blanket and dropped the covers. Still sleepy I walked in the living room. I walked past rooms to Felixes I walked in.
Y/n- do you have a hoodie I can wear? (He shrugged and fell back on his bed.)

Chan- I do. (I turned around and saw Chan walk in his room. I followed him and sat down in his hoodie. Handed me is black hoodie witch was oversized on me. I smiled as it fell down to me knees. I bowed to him and ran out of the room. Flapping my arms as I ran to my room. I but in skinny jeans and converse. I brushed and put my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped on my glasses and had my bags already packed. I didn't put in any makeup because I felt lazy. I ran in the living room. Everyone was waiting on me.

Y/n- I'm ready!

SM- okay let's go.

Han- it's like an hour or so until we actually get to the airport. So this is gonna be a fun ride.

IN- wait, who are we sitting by on the plan?

Chan- we'll figure it out on the way there. (We all left and got into the van. Fans were screaming as we left. I sat next to Changbin as we drove to the airport. We stopped and got coffee.)

In- I'm sitting by Seungmin!

Woojin- I'm sitting by Hyunjin and LeeKnow.

Felix- my seats next to Changbin.

(I looked at my ticket, my seat number was 124..)

Chan- 123?

Y/N- 124.

Leeknow- awesome we all sit by eachother... Kind of.  (I turned around in my seat not looking at Chan or the others. I put the hood over my head and drank my coffee.)

/time skip/

(We arrived at the airport, so far there were not cameras, thank god. We got our luggage and quickly went in. I slipped my mask over my face and walked in alongside Felix. We all got our things together and now we wait. Wait until it's time for the airplane to load. Everyone sat down in the empty seats, there was enough. Counting the Manager and the makeup artist. It was perfect. Except there was one empty seat for me... Next to Chan. I stood there and did nothing.)

Manager- You may sit down Y/N. 

(So, I did. I dropped my things crisscrossed my legs and sat down on the floor. They all looked at me.)

Y/N- what? (Everyone looked away.)

//time skip//
It was boarding time. We got on the plan, I looked for my seat, I made it to my seat, a window seat!! Score! I sat down and got comfortable. Then he sat down. My mood changed. I don't know why I was mad at him... I guess it's just that I have to sit 7 hours next to him. Great. I crossed my legs and looked out the window. I barely have any leg room. How does one even walk on this plan. I put my earphones in quickly and we took off. After like 30 minutes I got bored. I looked over at chan who was doing nothing. I could easily talk to him.... Or... I could choose the difficult way and talk to Felix and and Changbin who is behind me. I'll choose Felix. I pulled off my headphones and turned around to Felix and Changbin. Felix was looking out the window and Changbin was sleeping. I smiled at Felix, he smiled back, I turned around and looked at Chan. I need to get out of here. I looked around the plan and.... I need to pee. Are you serious! I have to squeeze past him. So, eather I shove my butt in his face or my front side..... Hmmmmmmm. I unbuckled and stood up and turned toward him... And walked past him trying not to touch him. I jumped out and almost fell onto whoever was sitting across from us. I quickly walked away to the back of the plan. I went into the bathroom... And did nothing, well peed... I just sat there. I looked in the mirror and just looked at myself. I washed my hands, fixed my hair and walked out of the bathroom back down the isle to my seat, I tried to squeeze past him, I tripped and fell into his lap.)

Y/N- I'm sorry!

Chan- it's okay! (I quickly got up and sat down in my seat. My face was all red filled with blush as I put my hood on my head and looked out the window. Like an hour past. I started to fall asleep, my head fell causing me to jump. I just spaced out looking at Chans jaw line.)

Chan- Hey. (He's looking at me!! My face flushed out, my heart stopped I cleared my throat and looked away.)

Chan- Are you okay? you look sick. Your very pale and your lips are really red. (He looked at my lips?)

Y/N- I feel just fi- (He put his palm on my forehead.)

Chan- you seem fine. Ill keep an eye on you, if you start to feel sick tell me. (I just shook my head. I put my head back and looked out the window.)


(I sat there in my seat, Y/N was sitting in her seat with her eyes closed. She had on my hoodie witch was cute on her. She looked upset with me. Likes she's just not herself. I... she's so pretty. Ugh, stop stop stop. She's my co worker... her head fell on my shoulder. I looked at her sleeping form and rested my head on hers and closed my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.)

///AUTHOR HEY GUYS! Sorry for the horrible grammar mistakes I'll get back in writing this book just let me know some things you really want to happen and I'll see what I can do!!!///

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