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Note: There do be alien talk. It won't be too often and I used the first alienese translator which is based from some webcomic I don't know. Anyways it looks crazy so it'll work. I considered putting translations but didnt, however if you think I should just hmu! And ^^ vanilla and choco <3 idk which is which tho uf

Yugyeom most certainly did not believe in aliens. It was just... dumb. Why would life exist somewhere else anyways?

However, when a large space... capsule... thing? collapsed into his backyard from out of nowhere, he had no idea what else it could be.

Gaping, Yugyeom stood in front of his open back door, speechless. Vanilla pawed at his feet and ran past him and out to the yard.

"Vanilla, you crazy mutt!" He called out in a panic. Vanilla ignored him and ran in excited circles around the large steaming crater that the capsule-thing (he had no idea) had formed. It was hard to take his eyes off of the capsule but he didn't want Vanilla to fall and burn to smithereens (euigyeom would literally murder him, and he would have to accept death with no complaints) so he inched out and picked her up carefully.

"Bad girl! Bad girl!" Vanilla whimpered and Yugyeom apologized with a sigh as he placed her back in the house and closed the door.

After he had turned around and carefully went by the crater to see the capsule again, he noticed a light coming from the other side that he couldn't see.

He rushed around to see that something like a door was beginning to lower. "Oh?" He said to himself in shock. He had been so scared, but logic was beginning to tell him not to be frightened. It was probably some kind of astronaut in training gone mad situation or something that would make the internet reel over in laughter.

The door lowered and smoke came out like a movie until eventually the door was completely down. Yugyeom squinted and gasped when he made out a faint shape in the smoke. "Hello?"

The being stepped into the visible area.

How does one even react to an alien invasion? Wait, this definitely couldn't be an alien invasion.  Unsure of what to do, Yugyeom stood blankly in shock.

"Chug'c hloupot feg, easeh!!!" They had leaned forward and Yugyeom was able to make out the shape of a hand reaching forward and disappearing into the smoke. It shot back as they screeched.

"Idiot." Yugyeom mumbled, able to piece together what had happened.

Yugyeom was looking down into the crater with wide eyes as the figure seemed to not be able to see him. He pressed a button on a little device and all of the smoke suddenly zooped away.

Put lightly, Yugyeom almost crapped his pants. For two reasons, actually. Firstly, that air sucking thing was freaky as heck and this dude was speaking a foreign language. Maybe he was Thai or something? Yugyeom had no idea what Thai sounded like

Second, he could now really see the person in the crater. He was looking at the ground and he had bright white hair but it didn't look fried from bleach. He glanced up at Yugyeom and they let out a little gasp at the same time. Yugyeom's first instinct was protecc but then he remembered this dude was a foreigner on his land so he tried to convince himself to think atacc.

He couldn't do it. The boy was just too adorable. He had big puffy lips and baby cheeks. His eyes... must have been contacts, because they were a color he couldn't explain in words. Something like blue and red but not purple? Either way they were mesmerizing. He was all of a sudden self-conscious of what the boy thought he looked like. Curse his nervous gay tendencies.

The young looking man stared at Yugyeom for a second before looking around and then up. He raised his hand out at Yugyeom and made a puppy dog face.

He had two options: one, help the odd foreigner boy and possibly get killed or exploded my some kind of weird bomb thing the boy had, or two, leave the boy there for him to climb out and kill Yugyeom in his sleep. With a large breath, he walked over to the edge and got on his knees, his hand reaching down and meeting the odd boy's just barely. The boy tightened his grip and together they pulled him up out of the crater. Not, of course, without a lot of panting and probably more exercise than Yugyeom had gotten since he was 7.

"Are... are you okay?" He asked breathlessly. He was laying down on his back and the other boy was sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce beside him.

The boy looked at him with an unreably expression. "O-kay?" He repeated.

Yugyeom nodded. Even most of the foreigners he'd met knew okay, but he supposed it wasn't really a rule or anything to know. "Yeah, okay." He made a just right! sign with his left hand.

"Hmm..." the other boy hummed and crawled over to Yugyeom, who began to pale.

"Yah, hey hey, what are you-" the boy furrowed his brows and placed his hand on Yugyeom's forehead, scooping under his large fluffy bangs.

Yugyeom saw a flash of light and then everything was fine.

"Dude what the heck was that? You aren't going to blow me up right?" Yugyeom raised his arms defensively and scooted away up against the wood fence, which luckily nobody could see in through it or the large crater might attract the neighbors' attention.

"Why would I blow you up?" The boy huffed and crossed his arms, plopping down on his butt.

"Oh my god!" Yugyeom jumped a bit and gaped when the boy suddenly started speaking English. 

"What? What is it this time? Why do you keep getting so frightened?" The boy threw his hands up, exasperated.

"Since when can you speak English?"

He rolled his eyes. "You're not very well versed in intergalactic travel are you? I just used this," he waved his arm with an odd metal thing surrounding it.

"Int-intergalactic..." he felt a chill crawl up his back and he scooted over a little bit. "There's no such thing as that, but you're still a weirdo!"

"Whatever." he stood up and brushed off his odd looking plain black jeans and adjusted his coat. "Is this your house? Do you have anything I can consume?"

"Hey, why should I let you consume my food you-you- weirdo!"

"You are going to have to try to find better insults than that, dude." He replied, carefully treading around the crater and inspecting his odd transport device.

"Oh." Yugyeom looked down at the ground and his face lit up red. That threw him off somehow, even if it seemed to have lighthearted intentions.

"I'm Kunpimook, by the way." He stopped walking and looked at Yugyeom expectantly. This was such an invasion of privacy.

"I'm Yugyeom," He replied, finally rising shakily to his feet. "Um... come inside I guess K-Kantytook?"



"Oh my gosh," he slapped his hands on to his cheeks and pulled them down, "just call me Bambam. Because my race is called Bamian."

"Y-your race? Ah right... Well, come inside."

Why are you inviting him in your house?

"Do you have any food?" Bambam walked ahead of him and stopped at the door to wait for Yugyeom.

This is a baaaad idea, Kim.

"Um, I have some I guess. I  probably have a lot of rice." He scratched the back of his head comically and opened the door.

"I am not sure what that food is, but okay." Bambam replied, stepping in first. Yugyeom took a deep breath and followed him in.

He really hoped he didn't get killed in his sleep that night.

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