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"Sit down ,relax , be careful, I got it for you." It really sweet for the first few months of CJ's pregnancy, but after the 1000000th time of hearing things like you can't do this or that Cj could not take it anymore.

"Jacob! For the sixth time this week   I can do it myself!" Cj persisted, taking the knife out of Jacob's hands.

" Cj , I do not want you to harm yourself and Rose. " Jacob huffed, grabbing the object back from his lover. Cj felt his eye twitch at that . It was one Jacob's most famous lines to use ; "I do not want you to harm yourself." Just because Cj is pregnant does not mean he was retarded as well😂😂😂. Cooking was not "car race" driving but with Jacob presented and Cj carrying his baby, it might as well be if Cj was the one making supper.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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