"Hey Mace." Adela greets casually. He looks her up and down.

"Aren't you suppose to be on the floor?" He irritably questions.

"Nope. I'm on break." She responds, pulling her cup towards her, sipping out the straw. Mace checks his watch and switches his toothpick from one side to the other. Once he figured Adela was telling the truth, he groaned and glared up at Jay.

"You need to attend to these customers. I don't pay you to kick it with your best friend. And you got five more minutes, than it's back to work. Y'all be trippin'." He says snatching his attention to the sound of broken glass.

"Looks like you need to handle that." Adela says, looking around him. As he storms off, Jay and Adela both share a laugh. Mace was always upset about something, but they knew not to play in his face. Everyone did. The man has a temper and they don't know what he's capable of. Five minutes came fast ending Adela's break. Finishing the last of her water, she stands to her feet and hands some money to Jay. It's time for her to get back to work. As she walks through the crowd she feels a gentle tug on her wrist. When she turns she sees the guy that was staring at her when he entered the club.

"Let me get a dance ma." He says while looking her dead in her eyes. Adela moves her wrist out of his grasp and crosses her arms over her chest. As they stand face to face, she takes in his features. He's about six foot even with a slender physique. His clear hazel nut colored skin held no blemishes.  Except for the healed vertical scar under his left eye.

"I'm on break." She informs. The guy chuckles while running his hand over his chin. Adela notices the gold grill on his bottom row of teeth, spotting the white diamonds on his fangs.

"That's funny, because I heard your boss say that your break was over five minutes ago." He informs stepping towards her. Adela rolls her eyes in amusement.

"Oh really? Well I still have five more minuets and I need those to change. Excuse me." Walking around him, Adela scoffs while shaking her head. She could say that she was use to guys asking for a dance, but this guy seemed a little off. Before she could get to the doorway that leads to the back, the guy grabs her again. This time a little more aggressive than before. Pulling roughly out of his grasp, she turns and slaps him causing a few bystanders to instigate.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He angrily questions.

"Nigga you got me fucked up grabbing me like that. What the fuck is wrong with you!" Adela argues back. By now, people were taking their phones out recording the action.

"All I wanted was a fucking dance bitch, damn." He scolds. Adela slightly widens her eyes and nods, grabbing someone's drink out their hand. Without hesitation, she throws the drink in his face and drops the cup. The guys entourage step through the crowd to see what's going on.

"I got your bitch!" She warns as they walk towards one another. He and his team attempt to attack Adela, but Tubbz and a few other bouncers step in before it could happen.

"You good Adela?" She nods while scolding the other guy and getting out of one of bouncers grip. Mace nods his head to the exit as Tubbz and the other bouncers turn and shove the guys to the door. Jay walks around the counter to comfort Adela who walked to the back. She spots Adela at her locker, taking out another outfit.

"I'm good Jay." She says without even turning around.

"You sure?" Adela sighs while removing the money out her underwear. Jay leaves out the locker room, knowing that Adela wants her space. She didn't want to make this worst so leaving the room was the best bet. Once Adela changes, she travels over to the mirror and adjust her bra straps. Fixing a few fallen curls, she inhales and exhales while closing her eyes.

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