I put my clothes on and was please to see I was a bad ass BITCH ‼️💢

When I was done I got my stuff and went downstairs to wait for everybody.

While I was down there my mom was making a fresh pot of coffee and Simone was on her phone.

Kendrick came Down the stairs loud as usual and nudged me.

"What" I whispered.

"Ask her" he said then moved around me.

"Mom can me and kendrick hang with some friends after school" I Said.

"Now where's Simone gonna go"she said.

"With us" I Said cringing.

"No I can go over a friends house" she said.

"What friend" momma said.

"From Beverly Hills She Said She would pick me up today" Simone Said.

"That was Kennedy mom who called me I just didn't have time to pick up well ok" mom said.

"But make sure she gets picked up" mom added.

"Alright" kendrick Said.

"Mom are you ok" I Said noticing she has bags under her eyes.

"Yea these night shifts are just killing me but I'm ok" She Said.

I nodded "well time for school" I Said and grabbed my backpack and gave my mother a kiss.

"See you later" I Said and all of us started walking towards the hell.
We got to school right on time including the check in with the metal detectors I still don't know if I'll ever get used to that.

In a group Again was the same people from yesterday kendrick basically dragged me over there.

"Wassuh p money" Riley Said.

I just smiled and listened to their conversations which were starting to get boring.

"Girl penny you should let me come over and give you a makeover" Trina Said.

I Looked Over At Kendrick Who was basically begging me to let her come over.

"Sure" I Said And Smiled with the fakest smile I could muster.

"Yass bitch we gone have you looking gyud I see you team natural today" She Said feeling my hair.

"Yea" I Said Laughing.

"Ay you hanging after school today" Tasha Said.

"Yea" kendrick Said.

I felt like a spotlight was on me at all time when I was around this group.

Just walking by was daisy with her hair looking not so good in attempt to flat iron her hair that probably backfired.

" so we gone go to your house after school before we meet up a-" Trina Said "oh shit what the fuck happened to yo Head"

Everybody started laughing.

Daisy turned around and gave everybody a death stares "bitch what happened to yo daddy" she said.

There was oohss all around and Trina was taking off her earrings.

I pulled her back because I didn't want a fight to happen.

"It's not worth it" I Said.

Daisy caught my actions and gave me a death stares "fake ass tranny bitch" she said.

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