chapter: 1

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Walking to the coffee shop, getting my coffee, walking back to my apartment, entering my apartment, then staying in there until I repeat everything. This what has been my routine for a few months. College was over, and I'm too poor to pay for uni. So I have decided to live like this, getting coffee, having food brought to me, and almost always online writing my book, which was the only source of income that I have. A job in the real world is too much work. Even if it was working at a convenience store would be too much, I mean, imagine having to greet people 24/7 and then just sitting or walking around until someone decides to pay for their stuff. There would be literally nothing to do, also according to people, going on your phone at work, even when there is no one there, is called 'slacking'. No only that but the anxiety of having someone in front of you as you try your best to be as quick as possible to get this person out of the store as quickly as you can, while they are staring at you, is honestly scary. Like if you where to make one small mistake they would notice an then they would think your incapable of handling their belonging. Like you don't know how to do your job. Or working in an office, a small desk where you sit at a computer all day writing useless things to probably help the government know more about are personal beings, helping them to make us become their rats in a maze.

This is why I do my own work. Online, safe in the comfort of my own apartment, in my cosy bed, on my sticker-covered laptop, writing an online book, that thousands read. There, I can be at piece and write whenever I had free time, which is all the time. I get to read all the comments about how people like my book, and get to have conversation with them without having to go through the awkward feeling of meeting someone face to face . It's great!

Apart from the fact that my guardian devil wines a lot. Yes, guardian devil. Not angel, devil. No one knows, because no one can see him, apart from me, it's the same thing with other people, they have angels that no one is meant to see so when in need, they can step in a figure out a way to make peace with the situation. Not with mine. No, since he is a devil, he likes to solve things, how do I put this? A bit more forceful. So forceful in fact that, there has been a total of 120 people put in hospital for trying to mug me on the way back to my apartment. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that part. Since I moved out from my college dorm, I haven't been in the best lane with money, so I had to get the cheapest, most comfy and smallest apartment I could afford. Which just so happened to be in one of the most dangerous parts in the city. So its normal that there would be 3 to 4 times a week that a unknown gang, who was clearly struggling with money, would try to mug me. In which the Devil on my shoulder takes over. This ends with me running and the gang on the floor knocked out.

This give my the underground name of 'Mr Devil'. Great name I know. So much uniqueness. 10 outa 10 never been used before. It sounds like what a crazy fangirl would call their idol. Even some of the gangs have been on the newspaper! I'm basically a normal person who has a living plague attached to them. I don't really care, but if I do ever want to get a job, ignoring the fear of people, then I will 100% will be arrested for accidently having a fight with a gang while there is a security camera facing my way. And I know your wondering why would I be arrested, well the way guardians work, when your in trouble or when you call for them, they will take over your body, you don't know what your doing, it's like you basically black out through the whole thing. I've seen it myself, a man what robbing a bank and one of the managers suddenly dropped to the floor, before getting up slowly, their eyes where a bright blue colour, they where so bright they where glowing. Almost like they where going to pop out of hid head. It was quick, but from what I got you basically become a living bad angel. With me, from what I can tell I become the badass Angel.

This is why I like to have coffee, to stay awake, stay in my apartment, and do online books. Because Devils are 10x more powerful than angels, to the point where the human body is sometimes incapable of keeping them in. So at night, I let him out, in the spare room I have, and try my best to try to get him back in.

Then I escape.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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