A place called home

80 27 42


All my life ....

I've been wandering
To unknown places

Hoping that I'd be finding.
A place called home.

I've been so lost, scared and lonely.

Trying to save myself from the horrors of life.

Trying to protect myself from
The unwanted drama.

Trying to answer the questions Nobody had answers to.

Why was I so lost?

Why was I left alone?

After the darkest hour of my life.

Why I felt so lonely?

Like some part of me was missing.

Feeling so unloved.

If I die nobody is gonna miss me.

I'll be forgotten....

Like a pile of dust. Vanishing in the air,

Long forgotten .

Nobody is gonna remember me.

Jia who????


Feeling so worthless.


Reputation so stained.

Feeling so lost.

Wandering to find a place,

A place called home.

All my life....

I've been waiting...

Waiting for a place.

A place I can call my home...


My mind is a messed up place. I'm soooo lost.
I feel like my mind is gonna explode someday soon. I'm so clueless.
And I don't even know what I'm saying or writing.
Juz keep me in your prayers.

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