(Kenny McCormick) Five Queen Songs of My Life

Start from the beginning

"Oh, shut up! It happened and it's done," Vivian snapped back with her tan cheeks brushed with pink. "But I mean, Joney's right. If I didn't take that risk, I might have never known that Eric liked me back."

"Oh? You mean your 'teddy bear?'" I teased her. Both Joney and Malia laughed along with me.

"SHUT UP. We're supposed to be talking about you!"

"And there goes Player 69 from South Park with the ball!" The announcer blabbered from the viewing room above the audience. My attention was on the field as I spot Kenny running with the ball in his toned arms.

Suddenly, as if it were in slow motion, two players from the opposing team tackled him at the same time, a crack echoing through out the field. I shot out of my seat with wide, panic-filled (e/c) eyes as I saw the referee whistle for everyone to stop.

"Oh god..." I heard Malia mutter from behind me.

People surrounded the now non-moving body on the field. Even from where I stood, I felt the heavy tension. I ran over to the growing crowd and shoved my way through the sea. I could hear my friends calling out from behind me but I didn't care. I kept going.

Once I finally made it to the center, I almost gagged. A medic was checking for a pulse of the unmoving Kenny. I bit down on my lip, hoping today would be difference than from all those other times. "... He's... The boy is dead."

I closed my eyes solemnly as I let the news sink in.

"Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"

"You bastards!!"

The crowd shuffled as some of the South Park guys went to attack the rival team for what they had done. I managed to keep myself away from the brawl, thank goodness.

The more medics came to take the dead boy away. I knelt down quickly and whispered, "I swear to god, you better be with us tomorrow, you asshole."

The two men finally took him off the field and some teachers finally stopped the fight. "Oi! Stop fighting and get back to playing, ya numbskulls!" The coach from the other school shouted at the puffing players. They stood there in silence for a good couple seconds before agreeing to the idea.

This is so typical.

I heaved out a sigh as I went back to my seat and watched the footballers continue their game as if Kenny didn't just die... Again.


2. You're My Best Friend

I knocked on the door of the McCormick house early the next morning. Ms. McCormick was the one to answer the door this time. "Oh, hello, (F/n). Kenny is just getting ready. Go ahead and come in, sweetheart," she greeted me with a warm smile. I nodded as I entered the familiar home. I sat down on their torn up couch as I waited.

"(F/n)!" I was suddenly tackled into a hug with a pair with thin arms circling my neck.

I let out a soft laugh as I ruffled the young girl's honey brown hair. "Hey, Karen! How are ya?" I asked her.

She sat down on the empty spot next to me, an adorable smile glued on her face. "I'm awesome! So, what's in the bag?" Her hazel eyes gazed to the brown, paper bag I had in my lap.

I gave her a grin and opened it. I took out one of the chocolate chip cookies I've made last night. "Here, ya go pumpkin."

She squealed happily as she took the sweet treat into her smaller hands. She bit into it and hummed in delight. "I love it! They're for big brother?"

"Yeah, they are," I answered. I took out yet another cookie and handed it to her. "Don't worry, you can have another."

"Thanks, (F/n)! You're the best," she chirped while giving me a quick hug. "Is there a reason why you always bake something for Kenny?"

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