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My blood is boiling, how dare he look at what is mine? I am nearly tempted to just slash him to pieces too, but I curb my blood lust, because I have something else planned for him.

Looking at the girl “Do you want me to end you right now?” I ask the caramel skin girl, she shake her head vigorously no, “Well you should be very quiet too, before my hand slip again” she bites into her lips, muffling her sounds, “Good girl” I say this as I walk over to pat her on the cheeks.

Walking back to the middle of the room, I look at all of them, “As I was saying before those two, so rudely interrupted me” I say this pointing to the disfigures body of Broody still dripping blood into the pool under his feet, and to the still twitching body of Chloe.

“I do not like or tolerate discrimination, of any kind, I also do not tolerate disrespect, so when tell you to do something, I want you to do it. I will not ask you if its clear, because it obviously is” as this leaves my mouth, I hear another voice fills the room,

“What the fuck are you smiling at you fa.. Gabriel?” this comes from Damon the nicely mocha colored boy,

“Well I would have though it was obvious Damon, I am smiling because I am happy, five of you are already dead, so even if this man kills me right now, I will die a happy man” he says laughing delightfully,

“You sick fuck, how can you be laughing when someone is dead?” lash out the boy again,

“Why shouldn't I, huh? All of you here, bullied and torture me, for over a year......... And oh! How I wished many times to just kill you all, but this man has beat me to it, so in my eyes he is my hero” he say this in a serious tune, and my heart speed up again, beating away like a drum in my chest, my Gabby consider me his hero, I can hardly contain my joy and desire.

“How can you say that Gabriel? He is no hero, he is killer” says Gus in an incredulous tune,

“At least he is showing what a monster he is, but all of you guys hide your monster behind a nice facade, yet I know who you really are, all of you and I know the truth, don’t we? Your niceness does not exist” he snap out at them,

“We only used to be playing with you Gabriel” whisper Gus, my Gabby laugh, it has a rusty sound to it,

“Really? I did not know that locking me in a bathroom in an abandon building for nearly three days was playing, oh lets not forget the pictures all over the University that got me a beating of a lifetime where you guys participated in, especially you Gus, and I nearly was living on the streets because I had no job” he pause for a moment,

“Also lets not forget the time you all forced me to suck all your disgusting d*ick, while your sick girlfriends taped it.............. Wait, wait, wait, here is another one of your little game, leaving me naked in the middle of nowhere in the cold for nearly four hour, none of you thought about coming back for me, so none of you dare tell me that it was a game or that I should feel sorry for those trash, because I don’t feel sorry, I feel vindicated!!” he is screaming by the time he has finish this long speech,

Gus is looking at him in a strange way, and the girls eyes are averted and the other boy has a look of shame in his eyes, but I am not feeling any mercy for them, I will kill all of them, and then my Gabby will truly be vindicated.

“Sorry Gabriel, things just got out of hand, I went back for you but you had already gone, also I did not realize it was hours after” whisper Gus in an apologetic voice, he pause then continue

“Plus you never looked at me, and the only way I could make you see me was if I was always in your face, be it good or bad, please understand that” my blood is boiling at this boys audacity and excuses, but I want to see what my Gabby will do,

“Gus you guys should have not left me out there in the first place, and all of us in this room knows why you all did not want me to be found, you all did not just take my clothes, but you also slashed all my tires and broke all my windows how was I suppose to even drive in it................... I was afraid to die of hypothermia and other things, so your sorry don’t mean anything to me now” he says coldly, then he went on saying,

“The only reason you are saying it, is because we are going to die, and you want to supposedly die in piece. Well I got news for you Gus, you all can take your sorry and choke on it, because I will never forgive all the things you guys did to me, that little list I just name off, is only the tip of the ice burg and you know it, so fuck all you and your sorry” he finish in the same cold voice, with no emotions, and the Gus guy is getting frantic,

“Gabe please, please, please forgive me, I love you, and I am so sorry I did those terrible things to you. Oh God Gabe please look at me. I love you, I don’t want to die without ever telling you this” before my Gabby could have answer, I walk over grabbing Gus face and punch him repeatedly, how dare he not know his place, Gabriel is mine all mine and I will show them,

“You should have died with your confession you swine, because Gabby is mine, he is mine alone!!” I scream in his beaten bloody face, before letting him go, I begin walking over to my Gabby who has a stricken look on his face, but my mind is made up, and I cannot stop myself, I will show all of them just who he belongs to, he mine.

Mine alone, no one else’s, and they should never dare to stand in my way.

Because I relish in the blood I spill for him.

Hey my chocolate babies, here is another chapter for you guys, I hope you all enjoyed it, I am really getting into this little gory situation hihihihihihihi, I am excited to see how the other chapter will turn out :D

Please let me know what you think, I will appreciate it (^_^)


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