Chapter 13

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Ravana's POV

I turn the corner and I can't believe my eyes. Alex is kissing another girl. This is totally fair. I can't talk to guys but he can kiss whoever he wants
"Opps did you say he was your boyfriend?" Asks alexia (first girl from the bathroom)
"Ana wait." Alex says
I don't, I run
I quickly run into the principals office hoping Alex won't see me
"Can I help you." The slutty lady asks
"Yes I need to speak to the principal." I say
"Last door on the right." She says
I walk to his office
"Can I help you Ravana." He asks
"Well for starters you can fire the lady at the front desk. Then you can fire my first period science teacher." I say crossing my arms
"And why would I do that?" He asks
"Well, I can tell the school board people that your having an affair with that lady over there. And my teacher made a new student late because the first bell rang and he thinks that means every other kid after that is late." I say
I don't really care if he fires the lady I just need that teacher gone
"How bout this I suspend you for 3 days for talking rude to teachers and I'll fire your first period teacher." He says
"I'm cool with that." I say "does that also mean no detention?"
"Yes, oh and Ravana?" He asks
"Yes?" I question
"Let's keep the affair thing between me and you." He says
"Yeah I'm cool with that I only said that to get you to fire the teacher." I say walking out
I'm not surprised on who I see standing outside the door
I walk by him
"Ravana it's not what it seems." he says
"That's what all the boys say when they cheat." I say pushing him out of my path and walk out the school doors.

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