"Something's wrong." Letty agreed, handing me a metal contraption.

"Stop." Dom argued.

"We shouldn't be doing this without Jesse." Letty countered, confirming my suspicions.

"Look, this is the motherload, we've been waiting on this for three months now. After this its a long vacation for everyone. Let's go." my brother told the team.

"I hope so." Vince said.

Since I wasn't necessarily a part of that conversation I went to put the metal thing in the car that Leon pointed out to me when we arrived. I sat on the hood and thought about what I heard. They've been at this for three months now, where the hell does my brother get these ideas from? Three months of robbing trucks that is more important than being a big brother. This is really messed up.

As Leon made his way over to me I watched as Dom pulled Letty to the side. I know him well enough to know that he's trying to comfort her, to ease her nerves. Hell, I'm starting to get anxious with their nerves.

"Hey, take this." Leon said softly, handing me a black helmet and kissing my forehead.

"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing the change in his demeanor.

"I'm fine, just worried about you being involved in all of this and about Jesse." he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Is this a good idea?" I asked him.

"You being here for this? Not at all."


"It doesn't feel right not knowing where Jesse is, but here we are." he replied before opening the passenger door for me.

Both of us stood behind our respective doors a second later, waiting for the green light from the boss. Vince looked over at me, motioning with his fingers from in front of his eyes to point at me then at Leon who repeated the movement. The meaning was clear; watch her and watch your back.

"Leon, keep on those scanners. Take care of her." Dom said as the rest of them started to get into their cars.

"Copy that." he replied when we got in.

Leon let me sleep for a while and by the time I woke up, it was already light out.

"I was gonna wake you up in twenty." he said, putting his hand on my thigh.

"I'm awake now. So tell me how this thing works again." I said, grabbing the thing from the back seat.

He took a few minutes to begrudgingly explain the mechanics of the damn launch thing to me again. I know that he doesn't want me here but he has to deal with it the same way my brother has to.

"Okay, so how does this go again?"

"When it's time, you're the first step. We'll pull up in front of the truck and at this point, you've gotta put the helmet on so you're not recognized. You'll go out through the sunroof and take out the passenger side windshield. You'll shoot the hook straight and pull once its gone through. After that Vince is up and you don't have to worry about it."

"You ready for this?"

"Not at all. Penny, can I ask you something?"

"You just did but shoot."

"Smartass, what would you say if I told you that after this is over I want us to be exclusive?" he asked.

"Before or after I laugh my ass off?" I said with a smile.

"I'm serious, Pen."

"So am I, Leon, you're not the monogamous type babe. We've long since established that."

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