Chapter Six

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DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi / the television series are produced by Sunrise.


She had been sitting on the bed, staring at the empty walls for what seemed like an eternity. The panther demoness was still seething about how her siblings treated her. They had brought her food and water occasionally, but she refused any of it. She would rather spend her time figuring a way out of the binds they put her in, so she could make the miko undo whatever she had done to the Killing Perfection.

She attempted, and ultimately failed to get her bound hands under her body to bring them from the back of her to the front of her. It was at an impossible angle, to where she would have to dislocate her shoulder to bring them in front of her and she didn't feel like dealing with that much pain when she had work to do. Sadly, the bed was just the mattress and a box spring underneath it. So, it wasn't like there was much of anything for her to cut the tape on.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and cleared her mind so that she could focus. She momentarily let all thoughts of anger and betrayal leave her mind. Once her mind was cleared, she focused her energy on her hands as she had done many times before. Instead of the normal, big sized icicles she was used to throwing at people, she was concentrating on creating a smaller version that could fit in the palm of her hands.

It was hard trying to focus on something that she couldn't see, but she had no other choice but to trust herself and try. There was no way she was going to just sit there and wait until they let  her out. She needed answers, and she would get them as soon as she was free. After several moments, she felt something in between her hands. The icicle was sharp on the pointy end, which thankfully she was able to keep away from her fingers as she wiggled them to get the point to cut the tape.

In minutes, the icicle had cut a thin line through the tape, but it was enough for her to yank her hands apart and cause the tape to rip. The handcuffs were easier to take off, she simply held them in her hands and froze them before snapping them to pieces. Then she ripped the piece of duct tape from her mouth, a scowl firmly planted on her face.

I wonder if they were smart enough to barricade the door. she thought to herself as she made her way up the stairs. 

Placing her hands on the door, she froze it too and kicked it, shattering it to pieces. The absolute silence in the house told her that nobody was home at the moment, otherwise someone would've already been in the hallway to stand in her way. She padded her feed across the carpeted floors as she made her way to the front door. When she opened the door and looked at the empty driveway, she couldn't stop herself from growling in frustration.

"They touched my baby. It's one thing to lock me up. It's another to touch my Ninja, let alone MOVE it." she said through gritted teeth, "I guess I will have to do this the hard way then."

Trying not to tap into too much of her yōkai speed, the panther demoness took off in the direction of the Higurashi Shrine. Thankfully, it was dark out so nobody would really notice, but she wasn't going to take any chances. She just silently hoped that she didn't miss the miko's stay at her family shrine while she was locked up. Then she would really be pissed off at her family for sabotaging her plans. They clearly didn't understand why she needed to do this, she was trying to save him whether he knew it or not.

It took longer than usual, but finally she was climbing the stairs of the Higurashi shrine and taking several steps at a time. Using her strong senses of smell and hearing, the panther demoness was able to pick up that there were four people inside as well as a little feline. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, this meant she hadn't missed her chance. She continued to slowly make her way towards the house on the back of the property, sticking close to the shadows to stay hidden. 

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