Chapter 1

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my dad has always told me that everything happens for a reason.

 so when he told me that we were moving across the country, i knew there had to be some positives out of the situation. 

since i only really had one friend that cared about me, he was the only person i worried about saying goodby too. 

my dad moved us out here about two years ago after his divorce with my mom, he said he wanted a fresh start and to get away.  

i was on the phone with Olly and decided to tell him the news, 

"olly i've got some bad news" I waited a second to collect myself because this was hard for me "my dad is moving us across the country" i told him as i sighed. 

"you're joking right? " he responded and sounded devastated. 

 "No I'm not joking. he told me today and we will leave in like two weeks" 

"Romero it's not funny" he told me as he hung up the phone.  

he was mad that i was moving, he hasn't talked to me since that day and I'm leaving in two days. 

i walked down stairs and told my dad that i was going to go see olly and try to get this sorted before we left. 

my dad gave me the simple answer that he wanted me in the house by ten o'clock. 

as i walked up to Olly's house i saw him sitting in his favorite spot reading. 

"hey, you haven't been talking to me" i spoke suddenly spooking him. 

"probably because I'm mad at you" he gave me a snarky comment like always. 

"i kind of figured you were mad at me but I'm leaving in two days and wanted to say goodbye" i told him honestly as i looked at him. 

i gave him a quick hug and gave him my favorite book (he has been asking for it since we met). 

"I have to go home and pack some more of my stuff" i told him as i looked at him heart broken. 

Olly looked at me "are you going to visit me or are we going to be those friends that move and never speak again" he asked honestly, and i gave him the most confident answer that i could give. 

 "me and my future boyfriend will visit" I said before I left to go home for the last time since dad said we are leaving a day early. 

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