Chapter 2.5

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We were sitting in romero's  bed when my phone rang. 

 I looked down at my boy as he smiled looking up at me, I hung up the phone and kissed his forehead. 

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and answered. 

"hello" i spoke into the phone softly so i didn't scare my baby. 

mathew's voice came through the speaker "hey Kaden we have a small problem" 

 "alright what is it" i spoke as calmly as i could. 

 "we have a traitor" he said as quickly as he could since he knew that i hated traitors. 

"alright I'll be home in a bit" I said growing irritated as i hung up the phone. 

Now I had a smaller battle Romero didn't want me to leave. 

"I have to go home" i told him as i ran my fingers through his hair. 

 "no" he said matter of factly. 

"baby I have to go and dont tell me no." i told him with honesty that i did indeed have to go. 

"can I come with you" he was sitting on his bed pouting and gently kicking his feet. 

"sure, put your shoes on." i smiled as i watched him search for his shoes. 

we both walked down stairs holding hands. 

"dad I am going to Kaden's house" he told his dad instead of asking, rude little boy. 

we walked down the street and up to his house, it was bigger in person. 

I can't believe it's in this part of town.  

As we walked up to the door I feel my whole body stop it didn't want to go anywhere it was as if I couldn't walk 

"I can't go in" he told me as i was about to open the door. 

"why not" i asked him as i gently held his hand for comfort. 

"they won't like me" he said as his eyes started to water telling me he was about to cry. 

"my brother's? of course they will like you." i told him sure that they would love him as much as i did. 

 "yes, look at me, I'm just like a little kid" he said with tears streaming down his face. 

romero was crying and he was panicking, i ended up picking him up and holding him while we walked into the house. 

the boy had his head on my shoulder and he was sniffling, telling me that he was genuinely upset. 

i walked to the living room holding the boy and stood in front of my brother's.  

 "hey guys, I want you to meet my boyfriend" i told them as romero took a peek at them. 

"what the hell you were only gone for two hour's" mathew said as he looked at me astonished. 

"his name is Romero" i told them as i looked around. 

 "it's nice to meet you" they all said in unison. 

i went around the room and introduced my brothers one by one saying their name as i pointed. 

As he pointed to each boy I tried to remember their names,

"I'm Josiah" he had brown hair green eyes 

"I'm Markus" he had blond hair and blue eyes as well as one of the other boys, they were twins. 

"im mathew"

"I'm Alex" blonde hair and brown eyes.

romero looked at me and started whining. 

"Kaden" the boy whined out as he looked up at me. 

now me personally the whining was a bit out of control, he whines a lot,  even for a little, then again i don't know his little age yet. 

 "yes" i said as i gently smoothed his hair out. 

"I'm frustrated, I can't remember their names" 

he looked at me and smiled before kissing me. 

a few minutes later he laughed at me 

"Kaden it's not fucking funny" i snapped at him. 

i shot romero a daddy look and i could see that he slipped. 

 "listen little boy you do not say those words ever again" i scolded him and could visibly seen him fighting his head space. 

"you say them all the time" he said quietly and looked down at his lap. 

 "I'm a big boy, you are not" i told him gently so i didn't scare him. 

"yes I am". he pouted and sat on the couch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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