Chapter 1

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Keith frowned at his phone, having absolutely nothing to do at this ungodly hour in the morning. Having woke up all on his own thinking he slept through his alarm, although that has never happened before, and couldn't fall back asleep. He already finished the books he had and even read them twice before. He decided to go on his Instagram account, that he never uses, and check his explore page.

Keith was never the person who followed celebrities, he didn't pay them any mind actually. So there he lay, on his right side facing the scarlet red wall of his bedroom under his black colored blanket, scrolling through his Instagram. The only social media he actually had. His raven black hair fell to the side as his violet-grey eyes scanned the screen in front of him. Nothing seeming to catch his attention. He must have gotten pretty far down because some art started to pop up on his screen.

Art never brought any kind of interest from him either. Keith let out a huff and continued his scroll.

Bored. Bored. Bored. Bor-



That's actually pretty awesome.

"Damn" Keith whispered.

It looked almost real. The picture in front of him was of an ocean. All shades of blue were waves crashing onto the shore. The night sky shining with stars and a full moon hanging and surrounded. The sky reflected across the sea and the whole thing almost seemed like it was glowing.

There. Top right corner. The artists signature.



Keith moved onto his back and read the caption.

I remember my home. The place I grew up. Never thought I would miss it so much. The ocean was a big part of that, and so, I've put my love into the thing I've missed the most.

He felt a pang in his heart. Wh-Why had that- He doesn't even know the person! Wait... does he? He clicked the profile picture that was a Russian Blue cat. He first checked the bio.

Live streams every Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Unless I'm busy) Time Frame for live streams and new posts 9-11pm
I hope you enjoy my work!!

Nope. No name mentioned. Maybe there was a picture somewhere??

Keith started to scroll down and all he saw was more beautiful artwork. Nothing more. Not that he was complaining. The artworks were amazing and he just had to go check them out more thoroughly later. Took him a while but nope, no pictures of the artist who's still anonymous. Keith didn't know what to expect. This guy could be on the other side of the US and not know it. Maybe he lived in the Caribbean's or South America. He could live anywhere in the world. So Keith wasn't sure why he thought he knew the man. But... there was something about that signature. LeMc. It could stand for anything. Although something about that signature was oddly familiar.

It pissed Keith off that he couldn't put his finger on it. Just somethi-

Rapid banging on the door scared Keith out of his thoughts.


"Calm down!! I'm awake!!" Keith yelled right back at his older brother.

"Well then, HURRY UP!" Shiro yelled through the door but stopped the banging. He waited until his brothers' footsteps could no longer be heard, disappearing down the hall, before going back to his phone that was dropped onto the floor. Sitting on the edge of the bed his red boxers were almost covered by his oversized white t-shirt he stole from his brother with his socks still on. He picked up his phone from off the floor and wondered- how on earth did it get nearly under his bed??

He looked at the clock that was on his nightstand. How can it be 6:30 already?!? He shook his head and went to the account he opened up before his brother knocked on the door.


He clicked the follow button. There was no way he would lose all these cool artworks. Even if art was never his thin-


What the hell happened to his alarm?!?

"Buenos días, Lance!" His mamá called from the kitchen when he came downstairs.

"Buenos días, Mamá".

"So, you excited for your first day, Leonardo?"

"Eh. Not really. It's just junior year. Not too worried. Anyways what did I do wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never call me by my real name unless I've done something wrong."

"Can't a mother call her son whatever she wants to without being questioned?"

"Nope". He popped the 'p'.

His mother sighed. "I'm just worried".

He raised an eyebrow, "About?"

His mother turned to him and smiled. "Nothing you need to worry about sweetie. Just come and eat breakfast already. And hurry up. You're going to miss the bus!"

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