Stiles exe Has Crashed

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Stiles had just finished the last word on his Econ report when his dad came in to wake him.
"Hey, son. Guess you're up early again.
Did you sleep at all?" Noah asked.
"Yeah." Stiles lied as he ran his hands over his face. He loaded the printer and hit the button.
"Stiles..." Noah started.
"I'm fine, dad. Don't worry about me. Gimme a minute. I'll make you breakfast." Stiles said.
"Don't worry about that. Go get ready for school." Noah smiled.
"I will. After I make you breakfast." Stiles said stubbornly.
"Alright...Let's go."
Stiles made his dad a spinach omelette with whole grain toast and turkey bacon. "You have a talent for making crap taste good. Have some."
'Can't. I have to get ready for school." Stiles said cheekily and went back upstairs. He showered and dressed and made sure to pack his homework.
Took four Aderall without water and kissed his dad before he left to pick up Scott. Turned in his work, aced it. Went to Biology, Chemistry, English then lunch where he popped four more Adderal and a spoon of potatoes. Causing Scott, Isaac, Erica and even Jackson to look concerned.
"What?" Stiles asked looking up.
"That's a lot of Aderall there bud...
You alright?" Scott asked.
"Yeah. Why?" Stiles asked.
"Aren't you worried it'll have some sort of__" Isaac started.
"You worry too much. I just need a little extra because I stayed up last night finishing homework. It's just a one time thing."
"It better be or I'm telling Derek." Erica said.
"So cut it all the way out. You do not want Derek involved."
Jackson scoffed.
"There's no need for that. Just today.

Three Months Later

Stiles was up at 3:00 AM, cleaning the entire house and breakfast and lunch was already cooked.
"Stiles what the hell are you doing?" Noah asked as he stood at the top of the stairs. Looking at his son.
"The ceiling fan was filthy so I cleaned it. But then the dust got on the floor so I had to sweep that up. And you can't sweep without mopping so. Anyway, breakfast on the table, lunch is cooling and you should change your glasses perscription because it's hurting your eyes." Stiles said. After wondering how the hell Stiles knew about his eyes hurting, he went down to him. Grabbed his face and looked at Stiles' eyes.
"How much Adderall are you taking?" Noah asked.
"The usual."
"Stiles. You have a problem."
Noah said.
"No. No. I don't have a problem. I just got a lot going on and the pack needs me so I need to be on my A game." Stiles explained and walked away.
"You're no good to them like this." Noah said sadly.
"Like what? I'm fine." Stiles said.
"You're not. Go to bed!" Noah ordered. Stiles frowned.
"But what about__"
"Miechyzslaw!" When his dad called him by his first name, Stiles knew he was in trouble. So he marched himself upstairs and lay in bed counting ceiling tiles until the sun came up and he got ready for school.
He texted his entire pack showered, dressed and picked up Scott and Isaac. Who could not focus on school with Stiles' heart pounding so fast.
"What's wrong?!" Scott demanded.
"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine!" Stiles insisted.
"Because that reaction was necessary." Lydia said sarcastically.
"Your heart is racing, you almost punched the wrestling captain in face for walking to close to you and you took Greenberg out in the middle of a game for being himself." Scott listed.
"Classic signs of Adderall addiction." Lydia said twirled her fruit before eating it.
"You sound like my dad. I'm not addicted to anything. I a lot on my plate and...I need to be alert to be useful. So just...leave me alone." Stiles sighed and walked away to hide in the bathroom.

The following night, Erica said Derek called an emergency pack meeting so he raced down there.
Before he arrived, the pack talked amongst each other debating who was going to tell Derek.
"What are you weirdos doing? Tell me what?" Derek asked. Erica and Isaac elbowed Jackson.
"Ow! Fine. The spazz is high as balls on Adderall." Jackson said plainly.
"Yo, people. Let's do this." Stiles said.
"It's over, Stiles." Boyd said.
"What are you..." Stiles started.
"Jackson's right. Insensitive but right." Erica sighed. Stiles looked around at his second pack. Feeling betrayed.
"He's not eating, hasn't slept in days and he gets into fights."
Isaac continued.
"Stiles? Is this true?" Derek asked.
"No! They don't know what you're talking about. Everyone keeps saying I have a problem but I don't!" Stiles insisted. Derek saw for himself.
"Who knew first?" Derek demanded.
"All of us..." Erica said embarrassed. "For three months." Boyd confessed.
"And you tell me now?!" Derek asked.
"You're freaking out over nothing. I'm the same as always." Stiles said as he rummaged through Derek's liquor cabinet and popped four pills while he thought they weren't looking.
"Give me this. This is not okay!"
Derek shouted.
"We were trying to let him stop on his own but it's gotten out of control." Erica said. "Are you pissed?"
"Yes. You shouldn't have let it get this bad. But whatever. I'm taking over." Derek said. Looking at Stiles who started staring off into the distance.
"Derek..." Isaac felt it.
"Grab him." Erica told Derek right before Stiles Started seizing.
"Stiles?" Jackson asked. Feeling genuine concern for Stiles.
"Get him on his side. Everyone else just back off." Erica said and stepped back and so did her other packmates.
"This is because of all those pills, right? He's overdosing." Isaac said.
"High dosages of Adderall can cause seizures. It's rare but it happens." Boyd confirmed.
"Well how long does it last?"
Jackson asked.
"It depends. Could be a minute or two. Maybe more." Erica said.
"Come on, kiddo...instead talking, call his dad!" Derek snapped. Isaac was the one to deliver the bad news.
"It stopped. He's coming out of it." Derek noted. "Oh! Hi...You scared us."
"What happened?" Stiles asked.
"What happened is all five of you are idiots and I'm taking over." Derek sat him up and got him to his feet.
"You're so dramatic." Stiles rubbed his eyes. Erica and Isaac hugged him.
"That was freaky. Next time I punch you in the face." Jackson said.
"You were worried?" Stiles asked surprised.
"Hell yes. He almost cried."
Isaac asked.
"Shut up! No one asked you." Jackson frowned and folded his arms.
"I'll wait until your dad gets here to start yelling at you." Derek smiled.
"You called him?! No. Tell him I'm fine!" Stiles said freaked. They heard a knock on the door.
"Too late."

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