Chapter 5

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With the school day finally over I can pack everything up including all the homework and tests that need grading. Making my way out the building to the staff lot I hear my name being called, so I stop and turn around only to see Jasmine. "Is there something you need Jasmine? I don't have office hours on Thursdays."

"Oh, I know. I was just wondering why you walked Anneliese to the office after class?" I raise my eyebrow at her before shaking my head.

"Not that it's any of your business but she was hurt yesterday and as a friend of the family I was helping her."

"A friend of the family? Oh really?" Rolling my eyes at her I start walking to my car calling over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I went to college with one of her brothers, that's how I found out about the job opening here."

"Even if that's true, I bet not everything you told us is true." Jasmine ran to keep up with me, "Like I think you made up your girlfriend. And if you did, just know I'm nineteen and very interested." Groaning I stop and look at her.

"Okay two things. One I didn't make my girlfriend up, I'm actually going to see her later. And two you're a student. I'd lose my job. Oh and actually third thing, even if you weren't you're not my type."

Leaving her standing there in shock I quickly make my way to my car and high tail it from the school. Man that girl is stubborn. Everything I said was true, well not the part about how I know Anneliese but that's not the important thing. I am in way over my head but honestly I would be lying if I said it wasn't worth it.

Parking in Annie's driveway, I turn off the car and take a deep breath. Grabbing my bag I head to the door and knock. Annie hasn't texted me in a few hours so I assume she probably fell asleep, not that I blame her. The door opens revealing Lori as I had expected. "Hi Lucas, come on in. Annie's in the living room." She closes the door behind me disappearing into the rest of the house.

Walking into the living room, there was Annie asleep on the couch looking as adorable as ever. I set my bag next to the couch and lift up Annie's head so I can sit down. Laying her head back down and grabbing the blanket of the back of the couch covering her up. Pulling my work from my bag I start grading the papers and putting in everyone's grades.

A/N: Another short chapter but I wanted y'all to know I am still working on everything just moving slow and got a lot going on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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