Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey sorry it took SO LONG to write this chapter. It's just I had to reexamine this story and see if it was worth it. Plus I've had a lot going on. Anyways, I hope you like it!
Chapter 2

The drive home was quicker than I expected do to some speeding on my part. Parking the car in my parking space and walk up to my apartment with my phone in my hand I send a text to Annie, "Hey, I just got home. How are you doing? Did you take your medicine yet?" I slide my phone back into my pocket and grab my keys. With my keys I start working on the lock when I hear someone behind me. I turn around to see my neighbor, much to my dismay. "Hello Lucas." She says batting her overly make-uped lashes.

"Hi Sarah, I'm sorry but I don't have time to talk and I've had a long day and really don't want anyone around me." I say turning back to my door.

"But Lukey, let me help you, I could help you release some of your stress." She put her hand on my arm then tried to make a move to rub my chest. And I push her away a bit.

"Go away Sarah, I don't like you and I have a girlfriend. And to be honest, I'm really tired of your ridiculous and pathetic advances on me." I tell her opening my door.

"Lucas, whether you like it or not one day you will want me! I will make you want-" I didn't give her a chance to finish as I shut my door in her face.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket I pull it out and read the message from Annie, "I'm fine, feeling a little gross from my medicine. How are you doing?" Poor Annie, I don't want her feel sick on top of everything.

>I'm sorry you feel sick. And I'm fine just my neighbor is annoying. You should probably get some sleep, you've been through a lot and you're going to have to be up early for school.

>But I want to talk to you, and I'm really not that tired.

>Okay how about we comprimize. You get ready and get into bed and then we can text until you fall asleep.

>Alright, I think I can work with that.

>I'm glad. How was catching up with your family?

>It's been great. I've missed my brothers a lot and its been great getting to see my little neice.

>You were really good with her and she is really adorable.

>I'm not that good with babies but I really do love that little one. Oh and just a question, am I going to get in trouble tomorrow for not having my homework done? ;P

>Annie do you really think I would mark you down after what happened today?

>Well technically it was yesterday seeing as its two in the morning, but no I didn't think you would. But when we get to school in the morning I'll work on my homework for my other classes, and if there is time I'll do yours.

>Annie its already been excused. I put it in the grade book that way, you dont have to do it at all.

>Are you sure, I mean I can get it done later and turn it in?

>If you want to do it that bad then when you do turn it in it will be extra credit. Now you really need to get some sleep.

>Fine. But one question first.

>Okay, ask away.

>Which would you prefer me to call you outside of school, Lucas or Luke?

I had to think about that before I answered. Not a lot of people call me Luke and thinking of the people that call me Lucas I cant get the revolting thought of my neighbor out of my head. So I'd definitely would prefer Luke, but which of her nicknames does she like the best?

>Luke is good. But which of your nicknames/names do you like better?

>I like Annie and Anna when you say it, Anneliese just gets far to long being three syllables.

>Alright. Well is there anything you'd like to talk about before you fall asleep?

I don't get a reply for a while so I tell her goodnight and sweet dreams. I hunker down in my bed hoping to get some decent sleep tonight, which I highly doubt after what's happened.

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