Chapter 4

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A/N: Oh hey look I'm working on this again. I know I abandoned it forever and a day ago but I was going through editing all my old stuff on my laptop and sorta started working on it and thought I might as well post it.

Chapter 4: Lucas's POV

I pass out a notecard to everyone and make my way back to the front to explain what we're doing. "Now that everyone has a card here's why. Since if I'm being honest I still don't know most of your names or much about you, you will come up and introduce yourself and say something interesting about yourself. Once you've taken your turn you'll give me your notecard. On there you can write one question you want to know about me. After everyone has gone I will go and answer your cards. Everyone understand?" I get a few nods, "I'll give you a few moments to think and then we'll begin." I lean against my desk right in front of Annie to see if I can read what she's writing, unfortunately for me she writes so tiny.

Deciding to give Annie some time to mentally prepare herself I chose to start from the far back corner where she used to sit. Most of the guys share sports they like or something on the verge of being completely inappropriate. Then the girl that was rude earlier is up and I sigh only imagining what she could possibly have to say. "I'm Jasmine but you can call me Jazz. And I am super flexible." She says winking at me while handing me her card and I can't resist rolling my eyes. A few more students went before it was Annie's turn.

She looked so scared and I hadn't noticed her limp until now. She took a deep breath holding her card tight to her. "I'm Anneliese and... um..." she looked at me for just a moment and for a second I thought she might faint. "I have a tattoo." She nodded and turned to me handing over her card. I'm surprised that what she said but it's definitely not what I expected. Annie quickly moved back into her seat. As the last remaining students went.

Stepping back in front of the class with the stack of notecards I glanced at everyone, "Thank you all for sharing. Now I do believe it is my turn. As you all know my name is Lucas, and no you can not call me by my first name. Lets begin with your questions; how tall am I, I am six foot two. Did I play any sports in high school, yes I did soccer, football as well as wrestling. What is my favorite band, Three Days Grace. Where am I from: Montana. Am I single: No I'm not," That one I couldn't help but smile to myself at especially as I heard a chorus of girls whine. I answer a few more before I come to the one with Annie's tiny handwriting, "What thought keeps me up at night?" I look at her with a sad smile, "what could have happened if I was too late."

Jasmine raises her hand but started talking before I could call her, "What's your girlfriends name?"


"Maybe mind your own damn business. Did you think he wouldn't want some gross high schooler up in his personal business." My eyes went wide as Annie snapped at her.

"Thank you Annie but language." As soon as I made eye contact with her I realised what I said.

"Why does she get a nickname?! That's not fair." Jasmine whined

"Do you think maybe I just didn't have the energy to say the whole thing? Besides that's the name written on her notebook not Anneliese. So maybe she prefers it as its less formal." Way to cover your ass Lucas.

"At least my nickname isn't that of some cheap stipper." Annie threw over her shoulder looking proud of herself. I shake my head and sigh.

"Anneliese please go wait for me in the hall." She looked at me shocked but stood up and made her way out.

"Jasmine this is your last warning too, Anneliese made a good point my personal life isn't up for discussion. I answered the questions on the cards and that's all I said I would do." I look at the whole class, "I know about how you all treat Anneliese, other staff has told me. I will not tolerate any of that behavior. You all only have a few more months of school so I suggest you clean your act up."

I walk out of the classroom and look around to make sure no one else is in the hall as I close the door. I pull Annie into a hug, "I proud of you for standing up to her. I just couldn't show favoritism especially after my slip up."

"I understand. But um could you let go? I forgot my meds this morning and in a lot of pain." I let go and step back.

"Want me to text your mom to pick you up? I can come over after." Annie nods, "Okay go back inside you can hang out in my classroom until she gets here."

We walk back in as I'm texting her mom while the class is all taking. I sit down at my desk, "You all can have the rest of the time to do as you like, just no phones." I see students begin to move to different spots sitting with their friends to talk. Anneliese is busy with her notebook so I turn to my computer to put in some grades for another class. While typing something hits me, I look to see a crumpled paper on my desk. Raising an eyebrow I picked it up and open it. For the record I really do have a tattoo ;) I roll my eyes and look at Annie, holding the paper I raise an eyebrow at her and she just smiles. I shake my head and go back to working but I can't help wondering what the tattoo is.

The bell rings and everyone files out as Annie comes up to my desk, "Has my mom texted back yet?"

"Yeah, she should be here soon. I'm sorry you aren't feeling okay. I wish you would have said something sooner instead of just suffering." She sits on my desk swinging her feet.

"I know but it wasn't bad at first and I didn't want to bother you with it." I place my hand on hers.

"Always bother me. Please, I can't help if I don't know." My phone buzzes on my desk, its Lori, "Your mom is here want me to help you to the office?" Annie nods.

Grabbing Annie's bag we make our way to the office where Lori is signing Annie out of school. I hand Lori her bag and tell Annie to feel better and that I'll see her soon. Walking back to my class for the rest of the day my phone buzzes in my pocket "You better still be coming over later." I roll my eyes at Annie's text telling that I will. Not even off campus yet and she's texting me.

Just Really Unethical (Sequel to Just Extremely Unethical)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat