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Lucki was alone at last up in her room. Well, here goes nothing. She pressed the button on the white pokeball, and the silvery squirtle appeared on the floor next to her bed. Looking more closely at the water type, she saw her pokemon was a girl.

"Hi," she greeted. "We didn't get a chance to be introduced. I'm Lucki, your trainer."

"Squir," the squirtle responded, her voice a bit timid but friendly.

"Let's see, I guess you need a name," Lucki mentioned thoughtfully. "How about Silver?"

The squirtle nodded agreeably, seeming pleased.

"Okay, Silver it is. Tomorrow, we'll set off on our pokemon journey. But right now I've got to pack up, so you'll have to go back into your pokeball until than." She recalled Silver, walked over to the wall, and began detaching her poster. It didn't take long, and the rest of the packing didn't take much longer. When she was finished, she lay down to go to sleep, thinking of the next day.

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