Chapter 2

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That is Charlie Wu, by the way. (Harry Shum jr. Love him.)

We went back to school monday morning after that crazy party of Aunt Flo's. I had been really stressed out lately, and coming tired and groggy to school that morning had not helped. I sat down at a picnic table during lunch and tried to eat in peace and quiet, until Charlie strolled by and planted a kiss on top of my strawberry blonde hair. I grinned up at him as he sat down across from me. Wow, I never noticed this before, but Charlie is actually rather good-looking, I mean, of course I noticed, he is my boyfriend and but since I love him so much I'm kind of biased of his looks. But looking at him in perspective of another girl? yeaaaaaaaaaaah he's pretty darn hot.

"hey" I said

"Hey" he grinned back. He took out his lunch and began to shove a sandwich down his throat. Boys and their food.

"AVERY!! CHARLIE!!" We heard a shout behind us to witness an Indian girl with neon blue highlights rush up to our table and collapse on the bench, out of breath.

"water... must drink... or will die..." she panted. her head fell on the picnic table with a THUD. I passed my water bottle to her and rolled my eyes. She took a sip and then spit it out of her mouth, all over the table. "Ew!" She squealed in disgust. "That water was warm, who drinks warm water on a hot day?"

"Umm... I do?" I said, rasining my hand.

That girl is such a moron.

And... that moron also happened to be my best friend in the whole world. Sasha Patel, everyone. Black belt in karate and biggest DQ I know. (That's drama queen, not Dairy Queen.) She will kick your ass and then cry over it later.

"Avery, did you take the bio test for Snow yet? Sam is taking it right now.... oooh I'm so nervous for it. Was it hard?" she asked me. Sam is her current boyfriend. They change like every 3 months or so.

I nodded. "yes, I did take it. But I didn't think..."

"Avery, I need to tell you something." Charlie abruptly interrupted me. "In private," He added.

I started and looked at him, then back at Sasha, who gave me a confused look.

"Sure Charlie," I stood up and followed him.

Charlie, tall, handsome and in all of his Asian glory, led me away from prying eyes and keen ears to the school's parking lot.

He turned to face me and took a deep breath.

"I called Catherine yesterday." He said after a moment.

I raised my eyebrows, "The modeling lady from Aunt Florence's birthday party last Friday?"

"Thats the one." he agreed. "She said I have the potential to become a professional model. She wants me to go to California where the agency lives and train there. I'll probably finish high-school online or something." I looked in his eyes. I only saw hope and excitement for a possible dream come true.

But does that mean he's going to leave forever and never comeback to be be with me? I couldn't even think about that part. I knew we might break up eventually, but this too soon. He literally only started saying he loved me last Friday.

"I really want to do this Avery, you know its my dream to one day become an actor. Modeling will definitely lead me down that path."

"I know" I whispered "when do you leave?"


"Holy crap! That's so soon!"

"I know. But that's when Catherine is scheduled to leave for California, I'll be flying out with her." he said sheepishly.

I sighed. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes, but I blinked hard and tried not to let him see.

"It's okay, that really only gives us a few hours left together but I'm honestly really happy for you." I tried to smile at him, but it came out more like a wince and that made me wince... again.

"What time is she picking you up?"

"In about... 10 minutes." He looked sad.

"So this is it? Will I ever see you again?" I asked, although, I already knew that answer. My question came out more like a sob and that's when the tears started to fall.

Charlie took my small hands into his big ones.

"I don't know Aves." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my tears away.

Suddenly, a taxi-cab pulled up next to us and a window rolled down

"Charles!" screamed a high pitched voice, "Get in here, your stuff is in the trunk already!"

Charlie kissed me on the mouth and hugged me tight.

"Goodbye, Avery" he said, "I love you."

"I know," I said. "Good luck in your career. I love you too."

He broke apart our hug and climbed into the yellow taxi; shutting the door behind him.

I don't know what to do, what to think, what to say! I feel like our relationship has only really begun since admitting our deeper feelings. I wasn't in like with him anymore, I was in love.

He waved to me as the window rolled up.

Good bye forever, don't you forget about me. if you loved me more you would have stayed! I wanted to shout.

I didn't say that, of course, instead I awkwardly attempted a sad pathetic wave as the car sped away; leaving me to eat the the dust and drink up my tears. It was a sad sight.

If he loved me more, would he have stayed? I wondered as I trudged back to the picnic table. I needed to talk to Sasha.

No, Avery that's very selfish, I scolded myself. If anything, you love him so much you had to set him free.

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