Lancelot Kingsley x Reader

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Request from DaSheepyChipz

It had been one year since Alice the Second, Y/N, had fallen to Cradle. Y/N, living with the Black Army, had been captured by the Red Army and forced to stay there until the next full moon - when she could leave the magical world. During her time at the Red Barracks, Y/N became an irreplaceable part of the Red officers' lives - especially to the King of Hearts, Lancelot Kingsley. The brute of a man she first met turned out to have a soft spot. When he finally realized how much he loved her, he couldn't stand it. After she had almost died from Amon's magic, Lancelot vowed to never leave her side until his dying breath.


He was determined to get it right. He had attempted in the past, but had never followed through with the plan. But this night he would not back down.

Lancelot walked through the halls of the Red Barracks, its walls a shining crimson and gold from the early rays of the rising sun. He found Y/N in the mess hall conversing with Edgar and Zero, who were bickering back and forth. The girl just listened with a smile. The King of Hearts entered the room silently listening to their conversation. When the door closed behind him, Y/N immediately looked his way, and her beautiful smile illuminated her face. Lancelot's heartbeat quickened as the girl's innocence and beauty overtook him. His heartbeat pounded in his ears and he was prepared to back out of his plan. Edgar, knowing of Lancelot's plan, grabbed Zero and casually left the room.

"You can do this, my King" The Jack of Hearts whispered before adding loud enough for Y/N to hear, "I need to teach my student an important life lesson. One which another officer is struggling with as well." Edgar left the room with a smile plastered on his face.

Lancelot turns back to face Y/N and approaches her calmly with his usual hardly noticeable smile - a smile only Y/N could recognize. He sighed, knowing Edgar would never let him forget if he'd back out. "Would you like to come with me on a little... trip... tonight? There'll be food, and a nice view."

The girl stared at him for a short moment in disbelief before bursting into angelic laughter. Lancelot's scrunched his face in confusion, unsure as to why she was laughing, but he didn't want the beautiful sound to stop. Y/N rose to her feet to stand before the King of Hearts.

"I would love to go with you." The girl gave him a light kiss on the cheek to emphasize her words, and soon left the room. Lancelot, flustered and unsure of how to respond to her, turned around, but young girl's presence had been replaced by Edgar leaning against the door frame.

The Jack wore his usual unreadable smile, and offered Lancelot a jellybean. "Did you seriously just let her escape after merely pecking you on the cheek?" Edgar said, playfully chastising the King. Lancelot just sighed and accepted the candy.


Several hours had passed since Lancelot had spoken to Y/N. The girl quickly got ready and slipped on a casual, yet pretty red dress with a gold pendant necklace which Lancelot had given her. She walked outside the barracks to wait for him. Y/N had not been waiting long before Lancelot strode up to her alongside a magnificent white steed. They smiled and greeted each other casually before Lancelot lifted the girl into the saddle, and the two of them departed.

They rode into the forest South of the barracks. It was dark and almost impossible to see, but the girl trusted Lancelot knew where he was going. Soon the path became illuminated by hundreds of natural glowing magic crystals. The sight was incredible, but the best was yet to come. They arrived at their destination; a beautiful pond with crystals all along the bank and even in the lake bed. The water was the clearest she'd ever seen.

"It's beautiful," Y/N whispered as if the very sound of a voice would destroy the tranquility and beauty of the scene.

"I had a feeling you might like this place. It was my quiet place when I was young." The two of them sat on the bank in silence, admiring the pond.


"Its getting late." Y/N pecked the blond's cheek and moved to stand, but the King gently grabbed her shoulders and lightly pinned her to the ground with a playful smirk. "No, no, no. I let you get away with that earlier, but not again," Lancelot pressed his lips against her's, and the girl immediately kissed back.

"King Lancelot."


"Its getting very late. If we continue this at the barracks, the others wont have to worry about where we are."

He knew she was right, but he was running out of time. The King helped Y/N to her feet, and they began to walk back to his horse. With the girl one pace ahead of him, Lancelot stopped walking. "I feel I should have done this sooner, but the truth is, I was afraid," he whispered, there was a hint of fear, barely noticeable, still lingering in Lancelot's voice as he spoke.

Y/N slowly turned around as she replied, "what could the Great King Lancelot possibly be afraid-" The girl stopped mid sentence, unable to continue as tears of joy welled up in her eyes. The King of Hearts was bent on one knee with a ring in his hands.

"Alice the Second. Y/N L/N of the Land of Reason, I ask you to spend the rest of your life with me. I vow to never let harm come to you. I would sail to the end of the Undying Seas for you." Lancelot grasped the girls hands in one of his. "Will you marry me?"

With tears of joy now streaming down her cheeks, Y/N exclaimed, "yes! Of course, yes!" She put on the ring, and Lancelot sprung to his feet, and pulled the girl against his chest into a passionate kiss. The strong touch ignited a flame inside Y/N as she felt Lancelot's warmth completely overtake her. They released the kiss, out of breath.

"Y/N, I love you."



Also, sorry it took so long. School got in the way again

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