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George wakes up to the sound of a silent tour bus, rattling underneath him as it drives. George tries to roll over but realises there are arms wrapped around him, stopping his movements. For a second, he freezes in surprise, but then he remembers who it is and smiles. He feels Reece's soft breathing in his ear and cuddles up to him slightly, closing his eyes again.

After ten minutes of unsuccessful sleeping, he lets out a loud groan and pulls the blanket over his shoulder. He jumps when he hears a voice whisper in his ear.

"George, baby, are you alright?" George blushes at the pet name and Reece’s deep morning voice sends shivers down his spine.

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." George stutters. Reece’s grasp on him loosens so the younger takes the opportunity to turn around, meeting Reece's eyes in the dark.

"You sure beautiful?" Reece says, bringing his hand up to push the hair out of George's eyes. George smiles at his gestures and wraps his arm over Reece's small waist, pulling them so that they are even closer together, placing a soft kiss on Reece's bare shoulder.

"Yeah, I just couldn't fall back asleep." George mumbles embarrassedly. Reece tilts George's head up so that they are once again looking into each others eyes.

"Hey, gorgeous, don't be embarrassed, okay? It's not your fault." Reece whispers, stroking George's cheek with his warm hand.

"B-But it is." George's voice is quiet, barely there. His averts his eyes from Reece's; he can't help being ashamed, he can't help feeling like it's his fault he can't sleep, even though deep down he knows it isn't.

"Please don't say that, love. It breaks my heart that you blame yourself for something like this. You're perfect, okay?" Reece says, and George sighs.

"You're too good for me. Thank you Reece." George sighs, nuzzling his head into Reece shoulder. Reece's body shakes slightly as he laughs, placing a soft kiss on his younger boyfriends forehead.

"You wanna go do something? If you feel like you can't fall asleep again that is." Reece offers, subconsciously rubbing circles into George's arm.

"I'd love that." George sighs. Both boys quietly crawl out of bed, careful to not wake anyone else up as it's still early in the morning. They tiptoe to the living room and flop down onto the sofa, Reece opening up the curtain on the way. They notice the beautiful sunrise outside and George let's out a little gasp, mesmerised by the colours. Reece admires the younger boy until George looks over at him again, blushing profusely when he realises he's being stared at.

"What are you looking at, mister?" George playfully shoves the olders shoulder, trying to play off his blush cool.

"Your gorgeous face." Reece leans forwards to pinch his cheeks, making George slap his hands softly and stick his tongue out at him.

"What should we do until they all wake up?" George says, trying to change the topic.

"How about we play a card game?" Reece suggests, leaning backwards and reaching towards a cupboard. He pulls out a stack of cards and places them into George's hand. George gives him a confused look.

"A card game? Seriously?" George snorts, making Reece raise his eyebrows with a little smirk.

"Any better ideas?" George stays quiet and Reece chuckles.

"I didn't think so." Reece clucks his tongue.

"Well what card game should we play?" George says, tucking his hands under his thighs. Reece glances over at him again and smiles slightly at the small looking boy.

"Uh, I don't know any. Let's make one up." Reece says, handing George some cards.

So that's how they spend the morning, making up the rules to "Give And Take". When Blake woke up, they managed to convince him that this was a real game, and as they played, they started adding new rules and annoying him. Blake eventually gets frustrated and throws his cards at Reece, leaving the room and the two others in hysterics.

"You so made that up!" Blake yells from the kitchen to the two boys who were letting out loud laughs and rolling around on the sofa.

"W-We didn't! Y-You just suck." George says through ragged breaths. Reece wipes at the corners of his eyes, trying to regain his breathing.

"What's going on in here?" Ben yawns as he walks into the room, suspiciously glancing at the two giggling hyenas. Blake renters the room with a mug in his hand.

"What's going on is that these two are complete cheats. And liars. They're just plain mean." Blake pouts, making Reece scoff and roll his eyes.

"Don't be such a baby." They both stick their tongues out at each other, making George let out a giggle that immediatly attracts Reece's attention. The older boy looks at George in adoration, making Blake gag.

"Anyways, moving on." Ben sighs, standing in the middle of the tour bus.

"What are everyone's plans for today?" He asks, his hands on his hips. Reece jumps to answer.

"I'm taking George out for lunch." He immediatly says. Everyone in the room raises their eyebrows.

"You are?" George asks.

"You are?" Ben and Blake repeat. Reece gives a questioning look.

"Yes, I am, why is that so hard to believe?" Reece says slowly.

"Oh, well I guess just because you three usually do your stuff together, you don't tend to leave anyone out." Ben sounds like a stern father, and George immediatly feel bad, even though Ben's only saying that because he doesn't know what's happening between the two boys.

"Oh, no, they already asked me earlier, I didn't wanna go." Blake quickly lies, rolling his eyes at the grateful looks sent his way.

"But before you-" Ben starts, but he's quickly cut off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I forgot they had spoken to me." Blake waves him off, and Ben just nods slightly, still confused.

"Okay, well, have a nice lunch, I suppose?" Ben mumbles before walking out of the room. They wait a few more seconds, listening out for Ben's movements, before speaking again.

"Thanks for that mate." Reece says, genuinely grateful.

"Yeah, you owe me." Blake says playfully.

"But seriously, thank you for covering for us Blake." George says quietly, fiddling with his hands. Everything about the whole 'dating' process seemed to make him nervous. Blake chuckles and ruffles the blonde's hair. Everyone seems to have a soft spot for George.

"It's no problem bud, honestly." He says, before leaving the room. Reece turns to George and gives him a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Okay now, let's get ready, I'm taking you out for a special lunch." Reece grins.

Okay so i lied, I didn't have anywhere near as much time as I had intended lmao. Sorryy x

I'll try my best to upload once a week for now because I'm knee deep in school work atm (I have my drama gcse next week ksksk).

Love you guys x

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