Burying the dead

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Beatrice's burial was announced to be tomorrow and I wasn't sure I'd go but I'll try to..The days dragged on and the more terrified I was,in senior secondary two my life was already complicated and full of regrets...
Today,I was to meet with the lawyer in charge of my case,mum texted the address to my  phone,she was probably at work and didn't care how I was faring..slowly I entered into the shower and allowed the water to drip down gradually,the coolness of the water made my head light and it felt more like it..
I was dressing up when I heard the gate keeper open the gate,the sound of the door bell made me know that it wasn't either of my parents so I went down stairs..
I opened the door to a guy in his late twenties..

"Good morning"

"And to you too..my name is Steve and I'm the lawyer that is to help you.." He smiled,he was young and flirty I guess..

"My mum gave me your office address to..."

"Yes,but she called later and asked me to come over here"he cut in..

"Please come in,sit" I said unsure..
"Thank you"

"So Hannah,do you mind telling me what really transpired between you two?"

"What use would it be, they don't believe me" the tears were ready to flow..

"Hey calm down,that's why I'm here,to help you" he stood up and sat on the arm of the couch I sat,giving me a warm hug...The sudden act was surprising and I just stared..

"We could just chill if you don't wanna talk about it now...why don't you tell me about yourself..."

"What do you like doing?" He gave me a faint smile..

"Don't worry about me,I'll be fine.. Just ask about all you want to know.."

"Okay"  There was a pause and then..

"What made you point a gun at Beatrice?"...I was going to need a lot of air to discuss this with him,anyways...

"It all started when I first attended Bloomwood schools.."

      *         *        *        *        * 

"Its your first day here,don't mess things up so we won't argue,come with me". were the exact words of my mum,to her I never get things right...
I just nodded and followed her out of the car to the school's administrative block...

My first day at Bloomwood was terror...no one talked to me or wanted to introduce theirself to me,I was to myself until the teacher came in..

"Good morning bloomers..I heard you have someone new today..please introduce yourself to the class miss..."

"Hannah,my name is Hannah Stevenson,hello everyone" I waved with a smile

"Hello" they responded

"Hannah what are you good at?"

"I'm good at the arts"

"I see,Literature or Government?"

"Literature ma.."

"Interesting,I'm guessing you write?"

"Yes I do"

"I'm hoping to see you bloom out". I nodded smiling slightly..

"You may sit"

And that was it.....I forgot to mention that Beatrice was the best student before I showed up plus she loved being in the spot light which I was about to steal from her,not intentionally of course...
That day after classes I was taking in some air at our school's recreational park when I heard soft giggles,sounded girly so I turned around and there she was in all glamour and glory,queen Beatrice...I turned around and continued relaxing but lady royal wouldn't mind her business,  she came over...

"Hi newbie"
I totally ignored her..

"Its only your first day and you're acting like a bitch" she giggled slightly  "better watch your back baby" smiling she walked away..

Was that a threat or am I just over reacting? Maybe the latter,I had done nothing wrong to get threatened from someone that cute,she looked harmless...
My mind drifted off to my former life where everything was perfect,from my neighborhood down to my friends who were the best,also our house,it looked less scary.. I stood up hanging my bag on my right shoulder as I walked to the bus stop,this was going to be a hectic year for me...

*                    *                *                *
I dumped my bag on my bed once I got into my room,sitting on the bed I fell on my back,closing my eyes for a few seconds.
The knock startled me

"Come in" I said..

"No need,you should come downstairs and join us for dinner,we'll leave the house later,I have a night shift today and your dad needs to finish some work in his office"..
She left..
I sighed closing my eyes one more time,this is the point she keeps missing,I needed to hear her ask how my day went,support and encourage me telling me that I'll be fine even after we left.. I wasn't thinking straight anymore,there were so many things I needed to forget..I still missed my old neighborhood but I'm glad I left there, it happened so fast and it was like I was in a nightmare whenever I thought of it,the more reason why everyone doubted me.. Slowly I stood up changing out of my uniform...

It was quiet and everyone faced their food,I played with the fork being carried away by my thoughts again..
" how was today?" Someone finally asked..

"It was okay" simple and short reply,I was done trying to be nice since I never got the same treatment..

"I hope we won't get trouble from you this time" with that I stood up leaving..

"Young girl sit down now!" Mum yelled

"I've lost my appetite"
Entering my room I banged the door resting my head on my sturdy table.. My eyes stung,tears threatening to flow,I really won't be at peace if some things in the past won't be revisited,I needed to clear their doubts about me..

😁😁 hi,does anyone know what hannah's secret is? I wish I knew..
Thanks for reading,I love you all..please vote by tapping on the star..😘😘😘

Fade OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora