Chappie 5: Chinese Improv Storytelling

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MIKI's notes: So this is the first episode of FREE TIME - FUN TIME with the Countries and the Admin!

Well something like that, it would just be random stuff I think about in the last minute So yeah!! Hahahahaha.

MIKI: So about two days ago, I and my otaku, hetalian classmate had to make a short story in Chinese. I know right, we have to translate it to Mandarin in Chinese class cause the school I attend to is a Chinese-Filipino Catholic School. So ya know the rest!

    (( We made a fucked up story XD ))

America: MIKI, dude, you're Chinese?!? COOL.

MIKI: Not really just 1/4 Chinese and Imma full fledged pinoy at heart!!!... but trying to pass the SUBJECT!

China: You made a story in Chinese, Aru? (- , -)

MIKI: Yep... :)

China: You finally made something productive? (° , °)

MIKI: What do you mean by that?.... (=_=)

China: Lemme read it! ARU! >^<

MIKI: Okay, but I am no expert at this stuff... I warned you *hands over the paper with magical Chinese Character writings.

China: ... *reading, wrote translation, gave it to Ivan and ran away.

Russia: You vant me to read it, da? ^J^

*Le countries gathered around him as if a kindergarden story telling.

MIKI: Warned you, Yao!

America: READ IT! (*w*)

Russia: In Japan, Girls give chocolates on Valentines day (( Febuary 14 )) to zhe person she likes, and boys give zheir chocolates on vhite day, March 14...

Japan: I can confirm that! *suddenly interested

Russia:... And on zhis day Mei vanted to give her chocolates to Yao... ^J^

*Taiwan joined the storytelling

Russia:...After class on Valentine's Day she vent to Yao and gave her chocolates along vith her feelings...

Taiwan: .... (° _ °)

Russia: Yao took it happily and Mei vas overjoyed....

            But on March 14 after class, she saw Yao, zhe guy she gave her chocolates to, offering a small box with probably chocolates inside to zhis boy Ivan... and zhey started...

making out...

The countries: .......

China: *Cowering in the corner Dx

Russia: I like it! ^J^

MIKI: Hahahahahaha, told you it's fudged up! \(*3*)/

Taiwan: Can I have that printed? °w°

Japan: I'rr try and animate it... =\\\=

Hungary: I'd like a copy of zhat Kiku. =3=

Germany: Zhat is... =_=

America: Dude, you should like post this on every social media.

China: Ni feng la ma? Give it to me! Aru! >_<

MIKI: What are you gonna do to it when I give it to you?

China: Burn it!

MIKI: Aw' Hell to the No! I spent sweat and blood writin' this! t(=_=t)

China: *Chases MIKI in the room Gimme it DX


*all hell broke loose...

Russia: I vould also like a copy of zhis too, but make it more detailed, Da? ^J^

It's true ,that's exactly the story we wrote... XD

The bonus ending is Mei just called Kiku and Elizaveta and just took ALOT of pictures the whole time. XDD LOL!

Ni feng la ma? = Are you Stupid?




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