Chapter 6- Loss

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   One of the nuns came over to confort me. Her name was Kyle and she was really nice and secretly against Mary's rules. I was crying so she came over and sat on my bed, next to me.

"What's wrong" she asked, putting her arm around me. "Its just that" I said "those striped pajamas just give me flashbacks." "Flashbacks of what" asked Kyle. "Flashbacks of the camp I used to quote-on-quote work at."

  Just then, Mary walked into the room angerly and plopped her fat, ugly ass on the bed (but in all cases, her ass is huge and ugly). She started giving me this whole speech on how we don't interact with the unknown. "Now" she said as I rolled my eyes at her "we don't smile at them, we don't even look at them." "Where are they even from" I asked. "Oh" she added "they are from the camps down in Numberag" she mentions. Then, she walks out if the room, smiling. Numberag! That's where I used to live! Then, Kyle got up and turned around. She looked at me. "Good night" she says. I look at the time in the alarm clock.

  "Oh" I said "Good night." After all the lights went out, I snuck out of my room and looked at the forbidden staircase and opened the door. I went down about halfway. I peeked over the corner. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach so I headed back upstairs. I quickly threw on my pajamas and hopped into bed. I stared at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep. All I could dream and think about were two words that night: striped pajamas.

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