Marshall and Everest

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Marshall POV

Wow Adventure Bay has changed a lot while I was gone. I wouder if Everest is here if she is I'm going to be so happy! I have something planned tonight😍

Everest POV

I can't believe I'm still on the plane I'm like an hour away. I wonder if Marshall is there I can't wait to see him I really missed .This will be the first time I see him in person I can't wait to see him.

1 hour later

Marshall POV

I waited at the airport for 3 hours for Everest to get here I think I see her . Wow it's been a long time Everest.

Everest POV

I know marshmallow I really missed you during the four years we were gone. We're going to do lots of stuff aren't we?

Marshall POV

Yes baby we're going to do lots of stuff the first thing I want to do is really go to the theme park with you. Then we get to the theme park we're going to ride the ferris wheel and do ......

Before he could finish Everest kissed him on the lips.

Wow when was the last time we did that. I said then i laugh?

Everest POV

I think the last time we kiss was in highschool. As me and Marshall both started to laugh.

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