"I want it to go away! But the words... I just can't talk about them"

Tweek's eyes widened at this revelation, Craig was talking about how hard it was to take all his pride away and open his heart to Tweek, tell him his fears and how his lost was the most terrible one. Yet Tweek's head was a total different world, giving the fear the shape of a monster and Craig as it's victim this had to be a curse! A curse protecting the magic spell Craig knew to not to be spoken, some kind of seal on Craig's lips to never pronounce such words.


For some reason Craig believed Tweek knew what he was talking about, being completely oblivious of the fantasy world on Tweek's head... he was right somehow, if he didn't talk about it soon the blond will end up tired of him hiding everything and his fear will eat him alive.

"I just... I just need time, sweetheart. Let's just go sleep for now. I'm so tired..." Craig said with a faint smile retaking his position with Tweek, pulling him against his chest like if he was trying to fuse him with his heart. "I'd love to just sleep forever like this..."

Oh no! This thing was draining Craig's energy! Tweek feared the worst, what if this thing was actually slowly killing Craig already taking his life force bit by bit? What if Craig wanted to go sleep but will never wake up again!? With Craig dead and the seal on his lips protecting the secret spell this thing will never be contained and will just start chasing someone else!

A determinate Tweek wrapped his arms around the raven and buried his face on his lover's chest. He had to protect him! He had to stay awake all night watching! Even when Craig's warm body and his rhythmic and melodious heartbeats were taunting the blond's senses on a haunting feeling he just wanted to give in and close his eyelids. This specter was smart... really smart and evil!

As time passed Tweek found himself holding an asleep Craig, his breath was slow and nice on his blond hair and soft snoring could be heard every now and then. He kept watching, 10 PM. Craig's parents could be here anytime soon. The room was quiet and no sign of anything, no ghost, no demon, no monster... there still were some hours left for underpants gnomes.

The coffee drank during the movies marathon were accumulating inside him. He fought his own body convincing himself he'd could resist the whole night. But he wasn't too sure now he didn't want to leave Craig alone but he needed to go!

Slowly and as smooth and careful he could he unwrapped himself from Craig's arms and leave the room trying not to make a single noise, the mattress betrayed him doing some soft squeak noises but none of them seemed to be noticed by Craig, he left the room and made his way to the bathroom.

Once done with his business Tweek washed his hands and looked at himself at the mirror. Even with all the coffee he still drank that afternoon his face wasn't as alert as it used to be, he was sleepy and even when it was inconvenient right now he couldn't help but feel good about it.

The huge history of medications he has took to be able to sleep well was no match for something as simple as Craig. His skin had a pink tone, he still was warm from Craig's embrace. He sit for a bit in the floor and hugging himself he inhaled the essence of his clothes. The smell of coffee was nothing he could be surprised of, but the mysterious sweet smell impregnated on the cloth of his shirt was mesmerizing. It smelled like home, it smelled like love, it smelled like care, it smelled like Craig...

The raven boy moved a little bit to release some tension building up on his neck, once comfortable again he extended his fingers to grab some of his boyfriends golden hair and get himself drunk on that enchanting coffee perfume of his, yet... he found a void of cold tasteless air...

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