God, Love is sweet but goodness, love songs are so harsh to my throat. Next time I will make sure to turn on the radio instead of singing myself.




Aish! Wh- why is it hurting so much?

My head feels like it was crushed under an elephant's leg. What happened?

I slowly opened my eyes but everything is in blur. I couldn't see anything clearly. I once heard my college mate saying love is blind but I thought that is just a phrase. It really made me blind?

I rubbed my eyes and again tried to open my eyes but my eyelids are feeling so heavy. Taking few seconds of deep breath, I opened my eyes successfully only to find nothing around me. Literally, nothing.

I was in an empty room and it's a little dark. The evening sunlight is setting, slowly filling the room with darkness.

Where am I?

Why am I here?

Argh, and this headache.

"Ah, I see the lovely lady finally woke up, huh!" I heard and turned towards its source. There was a tall, handsome man standing near the door with a very awkward smirk. He switched on a small bulb that was hanging above my head to the ceiling.

Wow, he looks more handsome in light. But Mr. Monk is better looking than this man. Mr. Monk can even lighten up a dark room with his presence so he is greater.

"Hi." I waved my hand slowly. I would've welcomed him into the room more enthusiastically but my head is aching a lot. And anyways I cannot just ignore a guest without a greeting.

"Hi? Dear one, Do you know where you are?" He chuckled weirdly and came close to me and kneeled down near me.

Why is he kneeling before me?

Did he do any wrong that he is apologizing to me?

"No, but I want to know where I am. But first, I am Zinnia Mae White, a kindergarten teacher and heroine of the future coming play. Nice to meet you." I shook his hands and smiled at him.

"Callisto Raul Mancini, here. Nice to meet you too, dear one. You are in my villa." He said and pulled out a sharp knife out from his pocket and looked at it as if it is a delicious food.

What a weird man. He is looking at a vegetable knife with hunger. Poor man must be hungry from many days.

"Oh Okay. Why did you bring me here?" I pulled him to the floor so that he can sit comfortably. If he continues to sit on his knees, he will scrape them.

"I kidnapped you, actually." He asked brought the knife in front of my eyes and looked at its sharp end with starvation.

Oh, so he kidnapped me.

How wonderful! It was my first time getting kidnapped. How adventurous!

"Oh, so you kidnapped me because you were hungry? Let me tell you I can only make good sandwiches." Obviously he was looking for a person who can cook for him. Poor man must be starving.

I can easily understand the look of hunger and the way he was looking at the knife pained my heart so much. One is Mr. Monk who has no land to live and another is Mr. Kidnapper who has no food. I wonder why God made such disparity between humans.

Mr. Kidnapper looked at me bizarrely, "What?" He yelled so dangerously like an unfed wild pup.

Oh my, hungry men are dangerous men. I need to feed him something before he hurts me.

The Mafia Monk (Crazy Mafia series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now