Leila then spotted Optimus and Megatron staring at her, their looks unreadable. Leila tilted her head to the side with a confused expression on her face, Optimus' gaze went to Ratchet's form and he smiled a little, glad that his old friend was finally getting some rest. Megatron, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow at Soundwave's actions, quite surprised at how comfortable he was around Leila but he never showed nor voiced his thoughts.

The woman focused on Starscream next, noticing how his arms were crossed as he huffed in annoyance, Leila snickered a bit before looking around the room, spotting a bookshelf with a book that may interest Starscream. It would be easy to get to, but difficult for Leila, she has two sleeping sparklings on her and Starscream may get grumpy and not grab the book himself. Leila hummed in thought before noticing Optimus walk up to her.

::Is there something wrong, miss?:: Optimus asked.

Leila smiled a little before shaking her head at Optimus' attitude.

"It's just Leila, not miss. No need to be formal Optimus. Anyways, there's a book on that bookshelf to do with science, it's on the second to bottom shelf and I was wondering if Starscream would enjoy it." Leila whispered back.

The two looked towards Starscream and noticed him sitting in a ball almost, curled around himself. Optimus nodded before heading to the bookshelf, grabbing said book and dragging it towards Starscream who's head perked up at the sound and sight of Optimus. His eyes glaring at Optimus as he chirped and clicked to the seeker, handing him them book before walking back to Megatron.

Starscream looked around him before slowly uncurling himself and reading the cover of the book, his face brightening before opening the book, his eyes glowing as he got lost in the book. Leila giggled softly before mouthing a "thank you" to Optimus who nodded back and returned his attention to the conversation.

Everyone was enjoying themselves until something crashed behind Leila, making her jump and look behind her towards the doorway to the kitchen. She noticed a pan on the floor, it must've not been hanging on with the other pans securely enough. Leila tried to calm her beating heart as she spotted the Sparklings closer to her, either curious or scared. Both ratchet and Soundwave were now awake and looking at Leila.

Placing Ratchet on her shoulder, Leila stood up and walked to the kitchen, making sure to have a strong grip on Soundwave. Both bots and cons following behind her but keeping a distance, some scared at the crashing. Leila picked up the pan, checking it over before glancing around her, finding no one else nor anything else moved. She placed the pan back into place and made sure that it was secure. Checking the time again to read 2:56pm, almost 3. Leila hummed again before walking to the cupboard.

She opened it and handed everyone a single cube of low grade energon, all 'bots thankful as they dug in. They had a low reserve to begin with, barely any energon so they're thankful and glad to not starve. The 'cons didn't seem to care except Breakdown, Soundwave, and Knockout, even if Soundwave hasn't touched his cube yet. Leila thought for a second before placing some of the blanket over his helm which was still wrapped around his small frame, covering his face from everyone. Using this opportunity to remove his mask quietly and quickly as he drank some of the low grade energon.

Leila opened a cupboard by the floor and watched as everyone placed their empty cube into the cupboard that had other empty cubes. Grabbing Ratchet's and Soundwave's cubes and placing them into the cupboard with the others, Soundwave removed the blanket from his helm so that Leila could see his face but he kept some of it on top of his helm. His screen showed a smiley face on his visor, causing Leila to smile back a little.

She noticed some bots and cons yawning, remembering that as Sparklings, they needed naps and longer sleep schedules. Ratchet was curled up on her shoulder, others trying to steady themselves among eachother or leaning against objects. Leila giggled a bit before scooping up Bumblebee who looked like he was going to fall onto the floor and sleep there.

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