
336 11 1

yikesmontana, yikesregan

  Kim Taehyung was deaf.
And Jeon Jeongguk was a fucking idiot for not noticing sooner.


"Hoseok, I think I'm in love!" The young boy chimed as he burst through the door of their dorm with a smile that could be seen from outer-space adorning his handsome features. The sudden intrusion caused Hoseok to jump in fright, his hand clutching onto the fabric of his shirt over his heart as he tried to catch his breath.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Jeongguk! You almost gave me a heart attack-" Hoseok exclaimed as he quickly closed his laptop and finally looked away from the screen, admittedly for the first time today. With only a quick glance he could already notice Jeongguk's exasperated expression. "What's crawled up your ass and made you so happy?"

Jeongguk threw himself onto the couch backwards, landing on his back in a sprawled out position.

"I already told you! I'm in love," he stated as he stared up in awe, memorizing the grooves and designs of the ceiling. At that Hoseok rolled his eyes, though his reaction went unnoticed.

"Oh, yeah? Who's the unlucky fucker this time?" he teased, his lips curled upward into a playful smirk, the dimples of his cheeks on full display.

Jeongguk sighed. "Okay, one: rude. And two, I don't know his name yet, but holy shit does is he beautiful! Forget art history, I just want to study him, holy fuck."

"Art history? Isn't that a third-year course?" Hoseok asked in curiosity. Jeongguk nodded in response and with that Hoseok beamed even more. "Oh fuck, my lil' Jeonggukie's got a crush on an older guy! You know if you told me you liked older guys sooner-"

"Oh god, please don't make a big deal out of this!" Jeongguk pleaded, hoping to escape the embarrassment of the situation and the mockery that was to come with it.

Hoseok smiled as innocently as possible, before releasing a mischievous chuckle that he'd been trying to hold back.

"He's an older guy, so does that like make him your... Oppa ?" Hoseok then broke out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter as Jeongguk became flustered by his remark.

"L-Listen, Oppa, I... I know we just met, but, when I'm around you, m-my heart just...! " Hoseok paused dramatically, a hand clutching his chest, face turned away. "I can't help... this feeling... I love you, Oppa!"

"It's not going to end like one of your k-dramas," Jeongguk groaned, chucking a pillow in Hoseok's direction, which ended up hitting his roommate in the face.

"You can't be sure of that," Hoseok hummed, obviously losing interest in the conversation.

"Speaking of, you really need to stop watching those. That's not what love is," Jeongguk scolded his roommate in a teasing manner, keeping the mood light.

"Hypocritical," Hoseok huffed. "You're like the walking epitome of a romantic cliche! You fall in love like it's nothing!.. Besides, how do you think I managed to score a hot piece of ass like Min Yoongi? K-dramas, dude. K-dramas. Take my advice. Go for it, get some! Just ask him out already, for crying out loud!"

"Dude, chill, I haven't even talked to him yet. I don't even know if he's gay!" Jeongguk laughed. Hoseok shrugged, making a rude gesture with his hands.

"Whatever, you deserve it, kid. I believe in you. Go get some ass, boy," Hoseok continued, and Jeongguk took that as his cue to leave.

Shaking his head as he left to go to his room, as he thought to himself, I really need to get a roommate reassignment. Those words meant nothing, Jeongguk didn't really mean it, he had gotten used to the older boy's jokester attitude and shenanigans, though he would never admit it to anyone.

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