catch my hand, i'll be fightin for ya

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  JK and Tae fight and make up, ft. feelings, jealous Tae, and blow jobs. 


Ninety five percent of the time, Jeongguk considers himself someone who functions well under pressure. He would even go so far as to say he thrives under it - it makes him want to do better, work harder. The mentality of the band has always been about upping their game, setting newer, bigger goals, and he loves that, loves the constant challenge, even when it's exhausting.

The one downside of all of this, as Jeongguk has been told by virtually everyone who cares about him, is that he has a habit of pushing himself too hard when he's stressed. Rather than taking a break or a step back, he tends to work even harder, which usually results in him making mistakes and getting frustrated. It also makes him kind of unpleasant to be around, as he has also been reminded many times.

He's working on it.

As it happens, he's in the midst of one of those five percent weeks right now, and it truly couldn't have come at a worse time - between promotional stuff and working on their next album, their schedules are even more jam packed than usual, and Jeongguk is hanging on by a thread. Namjoon has been on him about the lyrics he's working on (he knows they're not up to par, he just can't figure how to fix them), Hoseok has been on him about the new choreography they're rehearsing (he keeps making the same stupid mistakes, and it's driving him crazy), and management has been on him about not bulking up too much more, lest he lose his "boyish" look (which is unfortunate seeing as working out is one thing that actually helps him manage his stress).

And then there's Taehyung, who is lovely and perfect and the brightest part of any day, but who is also a much bigger distraction than Jeongguk can afford to have right now. He's currently hanging off of Jeongguk while he tries to take another stab at his lyrics, arms draped loosely around his shoulders where they're seated on the living room couch.

"Come on, take a break," Taehyung hums against his ear.

Jeongguk shrugs his shoulders, trying to shake Taehyung's arms off. He would love nothing more than to take a break, especially with Taehyung, but he's barely accomplished anything in the past hour and it's making him increasingly frustrated and irritable.

"I can't," he grumbles. "I really need to get this done."

"You've barely made any progress," Taehyung points out, which is true, but it puts Jeongguk on edge to hear him say it. "Put it down for a little."

He reaches up to play with Jeongguk's hair, but Jeongguk pushes his hand away.

"I haven't made any progress because you won't leave me alone," Jeongguk snaps, a little more sharply than he had intended. Taehyung flinches, shrinking back from him, and Jeongguk immediately feels terrible.

"Sorry," Taehyung says quietly, looking like a kicked puppy. Jeongguk is a horrible person. "I didn't mean -"

"It's fine," Jeongguk sighs, rubbing his eyes. A part of him wants to reach out for Taehyung, pull him back in and apologize, but he just can't bring himself to do it right now. "Just - can we hang out later, instead?"

"Okay," Taehyung nods meekly. His expression has shifted into something more neutral, but he still sounds hurt.

"I'm gonna go work in my room for a while," Jeongguk says, standing up and stretching his legs. He just needs to go be a shitty asshole in peace for a while, then everything will be fine. "See you?"

Taehyung nods again, his arms wrapped around his knees. He still looks a little sad, but Jeongguk promises himself he'll make it up to him later.


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