chapter 2

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  What type of feeling liberates me? The feeling of flight, being off ground soaring through what feels like a dream. The beats of hooves sounding of beats from a drum that sync with my heartbeat pounding through my chest. Shadow throws his legs in front of himself aching to accomplish a faster pace. I am holding him back from unleashing himself, I'm withholding his pure power and his rage he builds from his soul being trapped In a cage of sorts for so long.
  My horse thunders over the hill and with my dress flailing in the wind we head for nowhere in particular with the calm sense of never stopping, alas we reach a comfortable speed a quick cantor. This is the feeling of liberation. This is where I feel safe from all that happened, from all that is happening and from all that will happen. I feel safe even though each day we could die.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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