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After that I have not seen Beam for 3 days... Ming told me he can't talk to me about him because Kit threatened him to not have sex with him again... I feel like shit ... I'm a real idiot... Beam was right... I'm not better than him... And yet, I'm in front of the laboratory door where P'Pha is teaching at this hour... I don't know what I'm doing, nor what I'm going to say when I see him... I only want to know that Beam is fine... And maybe ask for forgiveness

- Well don't forget... Next laboratory is the synthesis and reactions of established hydrocarbons or alkalines... OK is now or never... Man up Forth since you weren't one before

- P'Pha

- the famous N'Forth... what are you doing here?

- can we talk in private?

- I guess... Come in... I don't have any more classes
A/N: don't hate me 😏😏
- ahhhh Forth Since it's your first time you're so tight ... It feels really good

- P'Pha you... Ahhhh... feel good too... Ahhhh
A/N: I was just kidding Sis 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️... Now for real

- Where is Beam ??

- and how am I supposed to know... He isn't with you? ... Don't tell me that he finally got tired of you and wants to come back with me ??

- What ?? ... No ... I thought you were together ... Aren't you ??

- as much as I want to tell you yes to that yes... Well, it's not like that... Beam broke up with me about 6 months ago

- I grab him by the neck and threatened to hit him... Explain that to me or I swear you will miss your pretty face

- The day he broke up with me he told me that you were the perfect man... that you made him laugh and that he had fallen in love with you. .. That although he could never tell you because you were not gay like him... You made him happy just by seen you every day

- but three days ago you ... What was all that you told me ??

- ah ?... ha ha ha ha... You didn't hear what I said to Beam... That day I had quarreled with my wife and I wanted to relax... But Beam didn't accept... He threatened to tell my wife and the director of the university that I sexually assault him if I do something to you

- WHAT ?? ... no ... No !! ... He didn't say that ... LIER !

- No... Do you remember that he said that I also had a lot to lose?

- yes... but he told me that to defend you... And that you can leave

- nope... he said that to me... after he broke up with me, I investigate who you were... And I tried to blackmail him so he would have sex with me every time I wanted to... in exchange I wouldn't do anything to get your scholarship get canceled... But He dare me to try... That if I messed with you he would say everything to the director and my wife... That he would show them all the messages that we had sent each other throughout our relationship... As well as the photos in which we are together...

- That's why you knew who I was ???

- Exactly... That's why I knew who you were... Now could you let me go... I told you before I don't like conflicts

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