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I'm going to do a special so this has absolutely nothing to do with the original stories plot.

U.A school festival

Shinoria's p.o.v

Aizuwa just entered class with his usually sleepy expression on his face everyone took their seats as he begun to speak "it seems that U.A is having its first school festival this year in three weeks and are expecting all classes and students to participate the different classes are to plan 3 different events for the morning, evening and afternoon under different themes because U.A plans to go above and beyond and they also want you to be on your best behavior because the public and other schools will be coming and observing us (I can't help but notice he said that part staring at bakugou) you can start planning now but keep the noise down" he finishes yawning and zipping up his sleeping bag.

Ilda being the overachiever he is gets up from his seat walks up to the front of the class and starts asking for ideas and shouta being the optimist she is was the first to raise her hand and suggest a cafe

Time skip because I can and I'm a total badass

After the discussion was over we narrowed the list down to seven
A maid and Butler's cafe
A quirkified haunted house
A play
A food stand
A comic stall
A battle royale
A fortune Boothe

And guess what out of all the people in the class I was the one that had to choose the events so I ended up choosing the play cause all our classmates could participate and this was a good final event next I choose the a quirkified haunted house because I wanted to see the looks on people's faces but I'm not gonna say that out loud and this was chosen for our second event and for the first event I chose the cafe (because who doesn't want to see todoroki in a Butler's outfit I'm a keep this to my self).

Everyone agreed and we started preparing
* the costume were done by momo
* The stage was left to kirishima, tape elbows and the sugar addict
* The heavy lifting was doe by uraraka
* The decorating for the cafe was left to the frog act alike, shouta and the invisible girl
* I did the script for the play
* The light was done by Pikachu
* The sound was done by multi-arms and the living USB
* Ilda and izuku got this supplies
* The lighting was done by Mr French
* Tail guy, acid girl and the sticky pervert did the decorations for the haunted house
* And lastly todoroki and bakugou helped with special effects of the haunted house

NB: I do remember their names but this is way more fun to me anyway

The haunted house was in a unused U.A class room the maid cafe was in the 1-A room and the play was to be held In the U.A auditorium I'm just now noticing how many facilities U.A has but never used and the this wasn't in the original plot of the story

  It took us two weeks to finish all of it and we had one week remaining with only the menu and the ingredients for the cafe to be given then another problem arises me and shouta were the only ones that could cook what a drag
The problem is if you did not notice shouta is lazy and only learned to cook what she was interested in eating which mainly consisted of sweets so I'd have to make the coffee and other food that didn't consist of cakes cupcake chocolate, strawberry and vanilla so in the end I'd have to do all the work and did I mention that the act will be Cinderella with a lot of changes.

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