Chapter 5

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Clarkes POV

Sitting in my best friends workshop, I told Eva everything. From mine and Lexas well mine and Lexas second kiss. When we had arrived back in Polis I had gone straight to see Eva, who sat in front of me laughing, "Woah. You two are a slow moving couple, only took you a year and a giant gorilla to have your first kiss" I blushed, which probably looked weird with my face bruised all over, "Haha. Very funny." I muttered sarcastically, "What are those for?" i pointed at a large pair of chains with a ring that would go around someones neck. Eva looked at them, an evil smile on her face, "Oh for you and Lexa when you two want to-" she was interrupted by me throwing a pillow at her. She laughed and held them up, "Okay so maybe not, some prince dude asked me to make them for him, but it wouldn't hurt for you to try it on for size," She got up and put the ring around my neck. Eva burst out laughing. "THIS IS BRILLIANT," I laughed and imagined bringing these home to Lexa, she would probably have a fit. Eva picked up the chain and tugged it, there was a small click and her face fell, "oops." Instantly i was worried.
"Eva....tell me that isn't what i think it is,"
"It just uh... locked," She was trying to hide a laugh behind a serious face,
"WELL UNLOCK IT." I almost shouted.
"Small problem, i'm still making the key..." She burst out laughing and I was stuck with a ring around my neck. Great. How was i going to explain this one to Lexa.

Tristan walked into the workshop, he took one look at me and started laughing, "Don't tell me... You're stuck." I nodded and he laughed even more, "This is" I pointed at Eva who in between laughs gasped, "The key to unlock it is going to take at least 4 hours to be ready." This made Tristan laugh even more. "Guys, what am i going to tell Lexa?" I asked. There was banging outside, the sound of swords being drawn and then a voice. Lexas voice, "State your business here."
Tristan looked at me, "Well you better make up something quick... shes here." He ducked outside the workshop to see what was going on. Eva followed, pulling on my chain so I had no choice but to follow.

Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

Standing in the middle of grounders with their swords drawn, was a small group of skaikru each had a gun. I recognized only a few people there. Raven, Octavia, Bellamy, Kane, Mom. Why was my mom there? Without thinking, I pushed past one grounder, into the middle of the circle. My mom gasped, "Clarke..."
It was only then that i realized how bad I looked. My face completely bruised and cut with a chain around my neck... It probably looked like i was being kept a prisoner here. Wordlessly I turned away and looked at a shocked Lexa.

I wasn't ready.

I wasn't ready to see them. I tried to find comfort in Lexas face yet it was an emotionless mask. Lexa repeated herself, "State your business."

Without taking her eyes off of me, My mom said, "The people at mount. Weather. We came here to offer... a deal."
Turning slowly, aware that all eyes were on me, I walked away. I was causing problems. Straight past Tristan and into the workshop. I hissed at Eva, "Get this thing off of me before It causes anymore problems." She nodded and started looking around for something. I could vaguely make out the voices. After a while, Tristan walked into the workshop. "The sky people and the ambassadors with the Commander are meeting soon." He looked at me, "Lexa says to get that thing off of you and that she wants you there." Eva walked over to me, a giant pair of bolt cutters in one hand, she cut the ring around my neck and smiles apologetically.
"Thanks Eva, don't worry i'll get you back." I said, mentally preparing myself for what was coming next.

Lexas POV

I sat in throne room, waiting for Clarke. I had given the Skaikru a place to stay and offered them dinner but they refused everything until they got to see Clarke. It had looked awful. Why was Clarke wearing that stupid neck chain?
We sat in awkward silence when the doors opened, in walked Clarke and Tristan; this was the first time i have ever been glad to see Tristan, the big swordsman would offer comfort to Clarke when I, as the Commander, couldn't. It also helped that he was taller than all of the Sky People. Luckily, Clarke had got rid of the neck chain. Abby, walked over to her and tried to hug her. Clarke dodged it, hiding behind Tristan. What are you doing Clarke? She walked to me and whispered, "Lexa, I'm not ready. Im sorry." I looked at her and whispered back, "You have too be, Clarke." I looked at her beautiful bruised face then added, "i'm here."

Clarkes POV

I had too. Lexa was here. I was glad that she was, it made this easier however nothing could change the fact that i wasn't ready to see my friends. I turned and looked at them, would they hate the person I've become? I focused on my mom. she wouldn't hate me. "Mom-" My voice broke and she rushed forward and hugged me, this time I let her. When she finally released me I said to her, "The commander has informed me that you wish to fight the Mountain Men with our help. Is this correct?" Over the past year, I had perfected hiding my emotions. Like Lexa my feelings were hidden behind a mask. I could see the hurt on my friends faces, they probably thought i had been brainwashed or something.

No one spoke. Everyone just stared. They stared at me. In the end it was Tristan that broke the silence in Trigedasleng he said, "Clarke, maybe you shouldn't have said that"
I scoffed and replied, "Great. Thanks Tristan. Real helpful."
Looking at Lexa for help she said, "They think that you are a prisoner here Clarke."
"I'm sorry about that."
Tristan looked at me then at Lexa, "Back to the problem at hand. Angry Skaikru."
"We've got to show them that im not a prisoner here..." I said. Lexa stayed silent as did Tristan, only I could do this. "I love you, Lexa." I didn't care who heard; She just had to know it.

I walked forward, to my mom, when Bellamy and another guy grabbed me, "We're leaving." A few of them must have smuggled guns in because They held up them and pointed at the various grounders. Whatever the original plan had been must have been ditched when they saw me. I struggled against Bellamys iron grip. "NO" I shouted, screamed and kicked. Thats when everything went black. The last thing i saw was Lexas worried face.

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