Chapter 1

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Clarkes POV

"No." Bellamy shook his head, "I cant let you." 

"Bell..." Octavia reasoned, "its Clarkes choice." 

"Then let me go instead." Bellamy argued. 

"The deal is for me, and only me." I lied. Anya hadnt specified that it had to be me but i couldnt let anyone take my place. I had made this deal now i was going to stick with it, "Besides, Bellamy, we need you here." He turned and looked at Raven who had mostly remained silent. "and youre just okay with this?" 

Raven stared at the floor, "Clarke is my best friend. I-I... This is better than war. I just." She shook her head. I instantly felt bad, after everything we had been through together with Finn, I couldn't bare the thought of leaving her. Bellamy opened his mouth but I cut him off, "Don't. This is hard enough for me without you making it worse. We have to survive. Besides, the grounder Commander might even let me visit" I gave everyone a reassuring smile. I looked at everyones faces, this would be my last night here, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Monty, Jasper. My friends. I would do this for them. And who knows, the Grounder Commander and I might click. I could be happy. That small sliver of hope would be the only thing getting me through the hours before dawn. That and my friends. 

Octavia broke the silence, "Well, it looks like we have a wedding to get ready for." In answer to everyones questioning stare she added, "We don't want to offend the grounders with Clarke looking... Well... Like she hasnt sleep for a week, washed or brushed her hair. No offence... by the way." 

I smiled, "non taken." 

The next few hours were frantic. It had been announced at Camp but everyone was still preparing for the worst. Wow, that hurt a bit. I washed, got given new clothes and had my hair braided my Octavia. By the time they had finished I looked almost presentable, "Wow," Whispered Raven Softly, as if she didnt want to disturb the quiet that had fallen around camp. "You look beautiful. That commander guy is going to be so gobsmacked." Raven joked. 

"Girl." I said.  I briefly remembered Anya having said that SHE had been her second. 

"What?" Raven asked, looking slightly confused 

"Commander Girl." I said, slightly louder.

Raven smiled, sensing my nerves, "Well then she'll be just as gobsmacked." I smiled back, the fact that She was a She didn't bother me. 

I sat by the fire with Raven and Octavia, enjoying each others company. I would miss them, I would miss everybody but id miss them especially. 

Before we knew it it was time to leave. I had packed very little, Raven, Bellamy and Octavia all followed me. "You don't have to come." i stated, 

"Yes, yes we do." Bellamy said. After an hour of walking we reached the place, There was a few tents set up and a bunch of grounders. I turned and hugged Bellamy. I had grown to trust Bellamy, he had become one of my good friends in the recent months. I turned to face my three friends. I didn't say anything. I didn't need too. My face said it all. We approached the main tent. 

"Weapons" The grounder guard said. I dropped my knife and watched as the others reluctantly removed their weapons. This was it. I was about to meet her. The Commander. 

I entered the tent, nerves hit me like a locomotive. There she was. I was taken aback by her sheer beauty, she was young looking- about my age id say, with brown hair and an amazing figure. I was pretty sure she could cut paper with that jawline but those eyes. Those green eyes. I looked away, aware that i was probably staring. From the corner of my eye i saw that Bellamy looked intimated. She wasn't what i had expected so i doubt that she was what any of us expected. 

The silence was broken by the man on her left, "Clarke kom Skaikru, Welcome." He didn't leave time for me to respond, "By this... unity... You will become Clarke Kom Trikru, resulting in the end of conflict from our people. Yet you will also be bound to the Commander in life. You will be expected to live in Polis and become one of our people. Do you understand." I nodded, unable to speak. 

"Then lets proceed." 

He gestured for us to move forward, i walked and stood opposite the Commander, "Do you Commander Lexa Kom Trikru  accept Clarke kom Skaikru to be your unity partner, to be forever loyal to her, to fight for her and care for her?" Lexa took my arm, she looked at me and said boldly, "I accept." He then turned to me and said "Do you Clarke Kom Skaikru  accept Commander Lexa Kom Trikruto be your unity partner, to be forever loyal to her, to fight for her, care for her and become part of Trikru?" I looked at Lexa. The words came easily, "I accept". The man, Titus, retrieved a knife and a bowl. Why a knife? He passed it wordlessly to Lexa, I looked at Anya for reassurance. I trusted her. My attention was turned back to Lexa who took the knife and made a long gash in her arm. Black blood poured out into the bowl. Black Blood? She didnt even flinch. Not once. I felt the knife in my hand and I knew what I had to do. I pressed the cold blade against my skin and made a cut equally as long as Lexas. I winced, it hurt. The blood poured into bowl. Titus mixed our blood then smeared a dot on my forehead then some on Lexas forehead. "It is complete." 

I let go of Lexas arm whilst a grounder bound my cut. I looked at my friends and tried to smile confidently, its safe to say i failed. 

"Now, We Feast!" Exclaimed Anya, looking at everyones gloomy faces.

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