Chapter One

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"Sir! It's time to wake up!" The man was dressed in a suit and gently shook Felix's shoulder. "A couple more minutes!" Felix rolled over while covering himself in his heavy blankets. "But sir, today's the day you meet the princess!" From under the covers Felix replied. "Ugh! What if she's ugly? What if she's mean? What if I don't like her?" The man in the suit sighed before walking towards the closet and began searching through the clothes. "You know how sir Jinyoung feels about you being late, so get up, stop with all these what ifs and put this outfit on." He threw a blue silky suit onto the bed near Felix's feet, before he left the room. The mans foot steps slowly faded down the hall.

Felix sat up, his hair sticking up in every direction. "Uuuuggghhhh!" He threw the covers to the side and walked to the bathroom. After finishing his meticulous skin care routine, he grabbed the suit from the bed with an irritated attitude. "I don't even want to get engaged to the pRiNcEsS!" Felix said in a whiny yet mocking voice.

After he finished getting dressed, he stomped his way down the stairs to the dining room where a wide spread of breakfast foods were scattered across the table. He plopped his small body into the large chair across from another large chair. "Oh good morning son! That's such a nice suit for today!" The man walked in and sat across from Felix. All Felix had to say was, "good morning Jinyoung sir." He crossed his arms in a pouting fashion. Jinyoung gave him a worried look, "eat up! Today's a big day for all of us!" Felix grabbed a piece of toast and chewed it down with only a few bites. "Yeah no one will let me forget today's the worst day of my life!" His father gave him a serious look. "Felix, you forget today is the most imporatant day for all of this family!" Felix sat in silence and ate his breakfast. The butler walked in, "Sir, the car is ready whenever you are." Jinyoung replied to the man. "We'll leave in ten minutes," he looked to Felix, "so you better lose the attitude and be ready by then."

Prince Felix - A Changlix AUWhere stories live. Discover now