Chapter 14:You'll Never Fight Alone

Start from the beginning

Gerard had never heard the song before and it dawned on him Frank must have wrote this.

"These are the eyes and the lies of the taken
These are their hearts but their hearts don’t beat like ours
They burn ‘cause they are all afraid
When mine beats twice as hard

‘Cause the world is ugly
But you’re beautiful to me
Are you thinking of me
Like I’m thinking of you
I would say I’m sorry, though
Though I really need to go
I just wanted you to know
That the world is ugly
I just wanted you to know
But you’re beautiful to me
I just wanted you to know
Are you thinking of me?"

The world is ugly,Gerards eyes widened as the words clicked in his mind:


Without  a word,Gerard climbed to his feet.

Mikey nor Ms.Way paid him any attention as he left the living room.

He silently took a hold on Franks wrist and lead him back to the basement.

 As they reached the bottom of the stairs,Frank turned to face Gerard with a worried expression.

To his horror,another tear had escaped Gerards eyes.

Frank reached up and gently smoothed his thumb over his cheek bone,wiping away the stray tear.

Gerard made a choked sound and flung his arms around Frank.

Frank hugged him back,allowing Gerard to snuggle his face into Franks shoulder.

"Its all my fault."Gerard sobbed clutching onto Franks shirt.

That's when it dawned on Frank.

Gerard was blaming himself for Frank getting in a fight.

"Ssshhh.Its not your fault Gee."

"I-It is.Its a-all m-my fault.I-I'm sorry Frankie."

Frank pulled away slightly so  he could look into Gerard pain filled eyes.

"Now you listen to me Gerard Way.It is not your fault.It is not your fault the kids are dicks.It is not your fault that I decided to stand up to them-and I don't regret it.I would do it all again in a heart beat.Its not your fault the world is ugly,"Frank once again placed a  hand to Gerard's cheek and brushed the tears away.

Gerard leaned into Franks palm as more salty tears escaped his eyes.

"Your beautiful to me.Your worth standing up for.Nobody should be treated the way they treat you."Frank whispered.

 ---------------End OF Flashback----------------

Gerard was crying as the memory washed through his mind.

Frank wrote a song for him.

Just like all the times before,Gerard felt Frank place his hand onto his tear stained cheek and brush them away with a swipe of his thumb,never once breaking eye contact or faltering in singing.

"Stop your crying, helpless feeling
Dry your eyes and start believing
There’s one thing they’ll never take from you."

Frank finished and leaned in,pressing his soft lips against Gerards.

Gerard hummed in content and kissed back,wrapping his arms around Frank.

Frank deepened the kiss by softly gripping the back of Gerards hair,causing Gerard to shift closer to him until their bodies were pressed together completely,like two pieces of a puzzle.

Gerard couldn't help himself,He nipped at Franks lip ring earning a small moan from the shorter boy.

Gerard's smirk didnt last long however,Frank responded by tugging at Gerards messy red hair he had gripped in his hands and Gerard returned the moan.

Even though his head felt as if it was going to exploded from the migraine,the tug from Franks hands felt good.

Sadly the heated kiss didn't last as long as either would have liked because oxygen was necessary.

They pulled away panting hard.

"I love you,"Gerard managed to force out.

"I love you too,"Frank chuckled,a light blush tinting his cheeks.

Gerard opened his mouth to tease him but was cut short by a sudden twist of his stomach.

He flung himself to the trash can with a groan.

Fucking Withdrawals.

-Hey guys,Cute chapter huh?Sorry its been forever since I updated,lifes gotten a bit crazy but it should calm down now.I have decided to live with my aunt and uncle like all of you advised.School starts next Tuesday for me so I literally have a week of summer left :p Also yesterday was Gerards 10th anniversary of being sober so I threw my blade away.Im not self harming anymore.SO...yeah thats everything for now,Love you all-ChemicalSkeleton

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