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I was really thinking about Klayton's offer on the house, not just to get out of Chloe's house, but to get my son separated from Criss and Johnny as well, for, ever since the incident at the preschool Criss and my son both have become almost unbearable, not a day went by that I didn't have to walk down to Criss's house to get my son, that had magically disappeared and reappeared in his backyard with Criss and Johnny playing with all of Johnny's toys and his/their very cool dad. Yep, I was jealous and angry alright especially when my own son would rather be with Criss, then with me.

Chloe tried to help me by talking with her boss, but he told her off just as quickly as he told me off, then also threatened her if she kept her shit up, he'd fire her ass too. Chloe came back to the house to tell me the bad news, then added that it wasn't just a child's love anymore...that now it was a two-way street because Criss loved AJ as a son just as much as AJ loved Criss as a dad. I sat down in the chair full of anxiety as I asked her and Sandy what I was going to do! Sandy was all for me taking Klayton up on his offer because she thought that he and I would make an adorable couple. I laughed at her and said that was all good and fine, but what about my son, for he only wanted to be around and loved Criss, and even after I introduced AJ to Klayton and his son Pheonix, he showed little to no likeness for either of them.

Chloey came out and said that I could always choose my son's way and start falling for Criss too, I looked at her like she was totally nuts, and said I had nothing in common with that arrogant rich asshole! & that I couldn't stand his crazy ass! Chloe snickered at me and said I didn't really have very many options then, either I break down and make my son happy...or I break my son's heart and go with the man that loves me and maybe in time my son would get used to and learn to love him and Pheonix and learn to forget about Criss & Johnny. I told them that my son would never forget Criss or Johnny no matter how good Klayton would be to him. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse my phone went off again and it was my dumbass ex-husband again only this time he was calling from an unknown number with a Vegas prefix.

I didn't want to hear from his ass, so I simply told him to stop calling me, and that I was hanging up on him, but he stopped me very quickly and said if I hung up with him I wouldn't be able to hear what he had to say...then he said that his son was growing up so fast and he looked like he was having so much fun at the Kid's CO-OP Preschool with two other lil boys on the monkey bars. I gave an internal gasp and told him he better just stay the fuck away from my son! Then I hung up on him and instantly called Criss even though I didn't want to contact him, but he was a lot closer to the preschool than I was. Right, when he answered the phone I begged him to go pick up the 3 kids from preschool that I just received a very frightening phone call from my ex. Criss heard the tension in my voice and actually felt the panic from me and said he was heading over there right now, then added not to worry that he wouldn't let anything happen to Alex.

When I hung up with Criss I called Klayton and told him what was happening, and that Criss went to get the boys for me, and that I was really scared now, knowing that the bastard was actually in Vegas and was stalking my son and me. Klayton told me to stay inside and that he was on his way over, and that I didn't need to be scared because he would keep me and AJ safe. I hung up the phone and closed my eyes tightly as I laid my head on the table top with Sandy and Chloe standing around me trying to cheer me up, but I was at a total loss on what to do, or how to get away from my crazy ass ex, when he was tracking me constantly like a damned bloodhound & he was already starting his mind games and slight threats of taking my son away from me.

Sandy gave me a kiss on the forehead as she told me that my ex wouldn't have a fucking chance with Criss and Klayton both protecting us and that all he could do was toss empty threats and eventually give up and go back to his drug and slut infested life that he traded me and AJ for in the first place. Klayton made it to the house first and was instantly wrapped around me and kissing my forehead telling me that nothing was going to happen because he would be there to stop it. Shortly after Klayton came in the doors, the door flew open a second time as Johnny, Pheonix and Criss came in the house with Alex in his arms still crying with a look of fear on his face.

Criss handed him to me as he told us all that thanks to the boys here as he rubbed his and Klayton's boy on the head...pointing out to AJ's father and saying stranger danger, he barely got a hold of AJ before the rest of the kids got him thrown out of the playground and the teachers took AJ and the other boys into the building and contacted him...but he was already well on his way from my phone call to him just moments before. I rocked my son back and forth and told him that it was alright and that I wouldn't let his bad father get close to him again. At that moment, as I had Criss holding me from one side and Klayton holding me on the other...and surrounded with both of their lil boys...I knew I would never be able to choose between them & it was a fact, the closer I got to Klayton, the closer AJ got to Criss.

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