Running Away

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Marissa sighed she just got done with school today. She got up from her desk, heading to her room. She got out clothes, heading to the bathroom. She started the shower, getting undressed she then got in. In the middle of her shower she outstretched her arm, she zoned out for a moment but her head snapped towards the wall as there was now a huge hole in the wall. Her blue eyes widened in terror, she got out of the shower and quickly got dressed.

Now just her luck, her stepdad: Logan got home. He saw the hole in the bathroom wall, he got irritated and he went inside and slammed the door. Marissa winced and knew she was going to get yelled at since she was the only one at home at the time. "MARISSA JACKLYN WARNER! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE WALL?!" he yelled. Marissa quietly groaned and went down to him, "I didn't do anything to the wall... it... just happened..." He glared down at the 15 year old. "Like hell you didn't." he slapped her across her face.

She placed a hand on where she was slapped. She glared up at Logan. "I'm done!" She yelled and went to her room. She got her old book bag and put stuff in it. "I'm leaving!" she yelled again. She headed to the door and opened it, heading outside. She started walking down the street. Hays looked up from their stairs on their house. "Hey Marissa!" they got up and headed over to Marissa. The slightly shorter girl looked up at the brunette teen, "Hey Hays." she said adjusting the book bag on her back.

"Uh... what's with the book bag?" they asked. Marissa looked ahead, "Running away." she simply said with a shrug. "W-what?!" they asked, now frantically looking around. "I'm running away. I'm tired of Logan's shit." Marissa raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Why are you looking around so frantically...?" She asked after a moment of silence. Hays looked at her, "N-no reason..." they said continuing to follow Marissa. 

"Right..." Marissa wasn't sure if they were telling the truth or not so she just continued walking. Marissa looked to her left hearing low hissing noises. She stared at the woods, standing there for a moment. She then headed into the woods. "Wha- Marissa!" Hays then followed after their best friend. Hays looked around then grabbed Marissa's arm to keep her from stepping on what seemed to be a huge snake tail. Marissa stared at it, "Whoa..." she awed at it. 

The tail started moving and the basilisk's head faced the two. Hays took off their shoes revealing their hooves. They grabbed Marissa's arm and started running past the basilisk. "What the- Hays?! You have hooves!?" she questioned while running. "It's a long story, Marissa! But for now, just run!" they yelled at her.

Well running didn't last long, they got stopped by a huge boulder in front of them and the basilisk slithered up to the two and hissed. Hays took out what seemed to be a golden necklace with a sword charm. "Marissa, trust me and just use this." Marissa took the necklace, "What's a necklace gonna d-" she was cut off by the charm of the necklace glowing and it grew to a normal sized sword. "What the?!" she questioned but the basilisk lunged at the two. Marissa and Hays jumped out of the way, "I'll distract it! You attack it!" Hays yelled. "Got it..." Marissa said, the two got up. 

Hays went and picked up a rock then threw it at the basilisk's head. "Hey snake brain! Look at me!" The basilisk hissed and faced Hays. "Oh shit." they ran slightly as the basilisk slithered after them. Marissa quickly jumped onto the black snakes tail. She slowly climbed up to it's head, the golden sword in one hand, as she climbed. Once at the head she held the sword up and jabbed it right on top of the basilisk's head. 

  The huge snake let out a long hiss before falling and disintegrating into dust. Marissa fell but Hays quickly went over and caught their best friend. "Thanks." Marissa breathed out then she finally took a good look at the sword. It had a dark gold handle and from it where it connected with the shiny gold blade, there was a little trident symbol. The sword glowed once more and transformed back into the charm. 

Marissa got out of Hays' arms she looked at the hooved teen. "Now mind explaining this to me?" Hays nodded. "Well, I'm a Saytr and I'm supposed to protect you from things like that. And Marissa, you're well... you'll find out soon enough. Come on!" Hays waved their hand signaling Marissa to follow. Marissa reluctantly did follow Hays. After a while of walking they had arrived at a camp from what Marissa could tell. She read the sign, "Camp Half Blood?" she questioned.

Hays nodded, "Yup." Marissa looked up at the Saytr that was her friend. "What's a Half Blood?" the black haired girl asked. "It's a child of a god and a mortal.  See your dad was a god." Marissa blinked a few times, "I must be hallucinating again or something." Hays chuckled, "You aren't hallucinating, Marissa. This is all real." 

Marissa shook her head, "Okay then, who's your godly parent then?" Hays walked fully into the camp, Marissa following after them. "Well he's not really my parent, but I'm the "child" of Pan." Marissa stared at them, "You mean Pan the God of the Wild?" Hays nodded, "The one and only." "Okay... then who's mine?" 

Hays glanced at Marissa, "I couldn't tell you. Only way we'd find out is when your parent claims you. So for now you'll be staying in the Hermes' Cabin." they gestured to a cabin with a symbol of one of those weight balance things. "Alright then..." A man with a beard and dark brown hair he held up a clipboard, "MACKENZIE WAGNER! COME GET YOUR SCHEDULE!" Hays looked at Marissa, "That would be you. He always gets our names wrong, don't worry." Marissa nodded and went to the man, Hays following her, "Here she is Mr. D." Hays said. The god grumbled and took the paper and handed it to Marissa. "Welcome to Camp Half Blood." he then walked off and Marissa nodded slightly. She's gonna have to get used to this new life. But she's going to love it.

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