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Your POV
"Hi, Cordelia. Now, I'd love to stick around but I'm already in trouble since (Yn) has seen me, so I'm gonna go. Bye!" He says and does disappears. "He was cute." She says sitting next to me. I laugh, then I cough. Right, I'm still sick. "Yeah, but nothing can happen. It would only end badly." I responded. "Today was actually the first time I ever saw him." I continued. "I wonder who my Guardian Angel is." She mutters falling back on the bed, I fall back with her. "A lot of people do, but most don't know the consequences. I'm one of the few who does, why do you think I'm always so careful?" I asked. "I thought it was because you were just super scared of things at first, then I realized you weren't really scared, I just had no clue on why you were so careful. It makes sense now." She responds.

Marisol's POV
We get back to my apartment and he tells me everything. It was hard for him, he had to stop a lot. I felt bad for him, the woman he loves.... Loved? I don't know anymore, but she hurt him. "I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner Jin, I'm so so sorry." I tell him putting my face in my hands as I try to hold back tears. I hear movement, I can tell he's I front of me. He grabs my hands and moves them from my face. "Hey, hey, hey. Marisol, it's okay. It's okay. You couldn't have known. I didn't want to get you involved because I thought it was only temporary, then it started getting worse and I was too scared to tell anyone about it so I just said my wife was, not at her best." He said looking at me. I voiding hold back the tears anymore and the dam broke. I started crying. I'm pulled down from the bed and into his chest. You're not making this any easier for me Jin. Why couldn't you just be a jerk? It'd be so much easier not to fall in love with you. "It's okay, it's okay." He whispers as he hugs me. My eyes are shut and eventually I drift off into sleep.

Jimin's POV
I make my way to see, well... Hear Him. I walk into the doors. "She saw you this time." He said as soon as I walked in. "I know. I'm sorry, I tried not to let her see me." I respond, bowing slightly. "Be careful, you remember what happened last time an angel broke one rule don't you?" He said. "I do. He ended up breaking the rest of them, one by one." I responded. "Meaning..." He trailed. "He became a Fallen Angel, and killed the one he was meant to protect." I respond. "We don't want that for you Jimin, one week you'll be blind. Goodluck. You almost broke two today." He said. I nod. Yeah, I interfered a lot today. That could've been bad. "You may go." He says. I nod again and leave. The next week was going to be difficult.

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