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Your POV
I shakily sit on my bed. I almost died today. If it hadn't been my Guardian Angel, I could be dead. My life had flashes before my eyes. My phone rings causing me to jump, and muffle a squeak. I pick it up. "H-hello?" I stutter. "(Yn)? You okay?" Marisol asked. "Ye-yeah, I just had a near de-death experience, it's fine. Why did you call?" I said briefly. "I'm going back to check on Jin. Something is right." She said. "Okay. Be careful." I tell her and she hangs up. She's finally fingered it out. My question is, what is his Guardian Angel doing not protecting him from her?

Jin's POV (don't get triggered)
She's not sick, unless being sick is constantly being stressed and you don't know what to do about. She's just stressed and she doesn't know what to do about it. Sang is.... Was a really nice woman really, she's just--- "Jin! I'm home!" She shouts from downstairs. It's been a day and a half since I called Marisol. Here we go again. I head downstairs. "Hey...." I trailed quietly. I still hasn't recovered from last time. She smiles at me, it's not a good smile. It's the kind of smile where you know something bad is gonna happen. "They fired me today." She says. My eyes widen. Uh oh. This can't be good. I don't remember much until I hurt a shout. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

Marisol's POV
I arrive, it's three in the afternoon and I'm exhausted. I slowly found my way to Jin's house and I become wide awake when I hear glass shattering and a whimper. No.... Don't tell me. I pull out my phone and make a call. I open the door and my worst nightmare comes true. She's beating him. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I shout and I push her away from him. "Who are you?!" Sang shouts at me. "A CONCERNED FRIEND OF JIN'S!" I shout. "DID YOU TELL HER?!" She yells at Jin. "No, I figured it out. Now you're gonna stay where you are. And never lay another finger on him, because guess what--" I start but get cut off by sirens. I smirk. "Oh, there they are." I say. "Did you call the police?" I hear Jin mutter weakly. I nod and help stand him up. They bust in. "She abused my husband!" Sang immediately shouted. "No she didn't! You have been for months... I was hoping you would get better.... Really I was..... But eventually I have up... I was hoping someone would save me. I guess not everyone needs a Guardian Angel, or maybe mine was there. I'm sure my injuries could've been much worse. Marisol, even you're not really, you're my Guardian angel." Jin mutters. The police arrest Sang, and I help Jin with his stuff and we catch a flight back to Korea.

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