Stomach Flu (Liam)

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I woke up in the middle of the night not knowing why was even awake in the first place. Until my stomach gurgled loud making me wince and I wrap my arms over my tummy.

Thinking better I wasn't feeling that well last night. I was extra tired and my whole body seemed like it weight a ton but I had pushed through due to a busy day with lots of interviews and a photoshoot.

I pressed an hand over my stomach to see if that would help any but it only made me burp sickly. I sat up not knowing what was going to happen, but the movement made my tummy flip and I gagged felling stomach acid at the back of my throat. I quickly swallow it down making my tummy groan louder.

I really wished the boys were here but this time we all got separete hotel rooms, that in any other day I would be happy about it, but right now I just really wanted someone with me.

When I was about to lay down again my stomach did a somersault that caused my mouth to fill with saliva. So I stood up, knowing that by this point puke was inevitable, but my body wasn't happy with the suddenly change of position making me dizzy which only made my stomach more upset.

I had to lean on the nightstand until my body recovered and then rushed to the bathroom, dropping to my knees in front of the toilet.

I gagged again spitting saliva on the water below and I could feel vomit rushing up my throat. I forced heave made my body jolt and everything that I had eaten the day before made an appereance on the once clean water.

When I was sure I was done, I carefully got up and went back to my room, changing into some new clothes because the one's that I was wearing were drenched in sweat. Then I lay down hoping that by the morning I would be feeling better.

"Liiiam, Li. Open up the door, you need to get ready cause we want to visit some places". I groaned rolling over not in the mood to talk to anyone neither to go anywhere.

My sleep seemed to have done nothing to make me feel better instead my head was pounding, my tummy was still hurting and I was pretty sure I had a fever.

" C'mon Li, we ain't got all day" I could hear Louis shouting from outside my room.

I was planning to open the door and tell them to leave me alone but I as soon as I was facing them, they must have noticied how bad I looked.

" Whooa Li, what happen to you? You look like crap." Niall said, concern written all over his face.

" I'm fine just a little tired" I said but my stomach chose this moment to make itself known by making a weird and loud noise.

" That didn't sound good,Li" Harry said as I whimpered wrapping my arms around my middle.

" My tummy is a little upset. Not a bit deal" I don't know if I'm trying to reassure them or myself but in anyway it didn't seem to be working as I had expected to.

" Come here, mate" Louis said opening his arms for a hug.

I shuffled forward letting him wraps his arms around me. And as much as I didn't want to admit it felt so good, he was running his hands through my hair that is a thing that always makes me relax.

" Want to go to the sofa? We will stay with you. We can go explore any other day." When I nodded Louis guided me to the sofa helping me sit down.

" Haz, can you go and grab some stomach relaxers and fever reducer? He is burning up" Louis asked putting the back of his hand on my forehead.

I saw Harry nod before he left the room.

" It's just your stomach that is bothering you or something else hurts?" Niall asked sitting down beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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