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          What do you give to the girl who has everything she needs?

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          What do you give to the girl who has everything she needs?

          You give her everything she wants.

          The girl who has the big house, who has parents that are still together, who has the rich boyfriend with a stand-up career in marketing, who has made a name for herself in her own profession, who got straight-As her whole life, and is the most lovable girl anyone knows. Anyone would say she has it all, but she knows something's missing. She's the girl that has everything she needs to live comfortable, but nothing she wants to live fully.

          What do you give that girl?

          You give her the opportunity to delve into her deepest desires; the opportunity to be the girl she watches in the movies, she hears about in songs, to be the girl she's always wanted to be. You give her the wings to soar, the voice to speak, the legs to run toward everything she's ever asked for and more. You give her the opportunity to loosen the strings, let go, and submit to her inhibitions, even if everyone else may see it as wrong. And if you can do all of that for her, she will never, ever, let you go.

          So who is the person that's supposed to give her all of this?

The guy who doesn't have a sports car that daddy bought him, and the guy that is addicted to cigarettes. The guy that drinks at bars on the weekends and gets into fights; the one who comes home with bruised knuckles, but never a bruised face. The one with the stoic expression, the one who is never afraid to speak his mind. The one that didn't grow up in a white picket-fence neighborhood and doesn't have a thick wallet. The guy that that is always fight and never flight.

          The guy that has nothing to lose, and knows what she wants better than she does.

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