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Often when Bakugo was alone, he'd get really angry at himself. He saw how broken Kirishima got every time he said; no. He saw how hope disappeared from Kirishimas beautiful red eyes when he said; no. How he's smile would drop by a little bit every time he said; no.

Bakugo had almost said it sometimes, but ended up chickening out. In those moments he also saw, how much hope he'd bring Kirishima only to be replaced by disappointment.

He also knew he was losing Kirishima. Day by day he saw that Kirishima became more emotionless. His smile wasn't as bright as the sun anymore, it was like a lamp that is about to stop working.

Everyday after they came home. He'd tell Kirishima how much he loved him and would never stop loving him.

Which brought a little bit of Kirishimas hope back. But that was only in the beginning, now a days it didn't mean anything to him. Kirishima knew Bakugo loved him and would never leave him. But it didn't bring his hope back. It only brought it down even more.

Kiribaku - Hope ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora