Now that she mentioned it, I was confirming that I really was bothered by his absence and knowing who he was with.

Susan smiled kindly at me, "He was just on the phone."

I immediately perked at that. He called? Why didn't he call me instead of Susan?

There was a twinkle in our housekeeper's eyes that told me she knew my thoughts, "He said he couldn't reach your phone since this morning so he called the landline."

Hope bloomed within me and I tried to quell it. He did try to reach me. But at the same time, I hated myself for not being able to answer his calls.

I slumped down a little, "I left my phone upstairs..." I mumbled.

"I know," she assured, "I told him you were resting so he didn't have to worry."

You should've called me, I thought in my mind but immediately shook it off. "Well..?" I asked hesitantly and yet hopefully, "What did he say?"

For some reason, the way she was suddenly looking at me was strange. As if she were looking past me or something.

I waited a bit more and blinked, "Is there something on my face?"

As if only realizing herself, Susan cleared her throat and flushed. She waved her hand around as if to clear the air, "No, don't mind me. Zach called to say he might have to stay longer in the office. They must be swamped with paperwork right about now. Our conversation was short and rushed."

And like that, the hope quickly fell. It must've shown on my face.

Susan was quick to add to her words, "I'm sure he would come home as soon as he finishes his work."

I nodded and smiled for her benefit, "I'm sure he would."

There was a moment of silence after that.

But was I really sure?

The scraping sound brought me back to reality to see our housekeeper pulling the other lounge chair close to mine. She set down the empty glass and bottle of supplements on the table between us.

She leaned in close to me, "Is this about the secretary, child?"

"What?" that startled me. "What do you mean?"

As if already catching on to something, Susan raised an eyebrow at me. "What's her name? Valerie was it?"

Suppressing the reaction I had to her name, I returned her look with a confused one. I was feeling uncomfortable with the way she was prying. "What brought this on all of a sudden? Why are you bringing her up?"

Susan gave me a serene expression completely contrary to her next words, "Don't worry. I don't like her either."

That was unexpected, "Uhm, but why?"

She must've found my reaction funny because the old woman laughed. It was a surprisingly low and throaty laugh. There was an entertained vibe to her posture.

"I have eyes, child. Even I would dislike a woman who clings to married man the way she does to Zach. And I saw the way you handled her coming here to the penthouse." She cocked her head to the side as if to take me in fully, "Although I disapprove of that poor excuse of a dress you wore that night to the party, upon further thought, I suppose such reaction is understandable."

That she was suddenly being like this to me was honestly disconcerting and I didn't know what to say.

"I'm really sorry but I don't understand, Susan. Where are you going with this?"

Susan smiled at me and started to stand up. She picked up the glass and the bottle.

"What I'm trying to say, dear, is that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Zachary. He employed that woman for her secretarial skills and nothing else. He has an excellent eye for the value of people and sets them in their correct places. The value of the wife is different from that of an employee and you need not be threatened in any way. Zachary's relationship with her is on a strictly professional nature no matter the advances of that woman."

"Why are you suddenly telling me this?" I asked, unable to deny her words.

"I see how frustrated you are with everything, dear. I may never understand how it is to have your amnesia but maybe I could help ease your mind about a few things."

I had no more words for this conversation and I merely stared at her. I had reservations on simply taking people's words for their face value and as I sat there absorbing her words; I made a point simply to listen objectively.

"Ease my mind on a few things?" I finally repeated for her.

Susan nodded warmly, "Zach did forbid me to talk about the things that happened before the accident. I think I mentioned it before."

And I guess that was part of why I couldn't trust her words. She openly admitted to keeping the past from me.

"And it seems I'm beginning to understand the value of people from Zachary's point of view," Susan's eyes lingered on my profile. "That dress suits you."

I glanced down at the modest tunic I had on... and quickly remembered the clothes I gave away.

"Tell me child, is this Scarlett in front of me the one Zachary married?"

There was a pause as we stared at each other. Me trying to put meaning to her question...

"I'm really confused now."

And as if the older woman snapped out of her cryptic mode, she started to laugh again in that throaty manner and smiled at me fondly. She waved the bottle in my direction.

"Don't mind an old woman's rambling," she said and started to turn away. "And to think I said I was going to ease your mind. Don't worry about that Valerie woman."

"I wasn't worried..." the look she gave me made me stop.

"Oh, don't lie to me, I have a few decades worth of experience over you. Besides, I have a more direct approach to easing your mind, dear." Susan said, "Why don't you go to his office and see for yourself how your husband is doing? Maybe you'll understand what I'm talking about. I'll even call ahead so Zach knows you're coming. I'll prepare lunch for you two."

Without waiting for my approval she went back inside to what I assume was preparing lunch.

But wait. What? Me going to his office?

I feel like I'm merely prolonging the inevitable. I'm already saying sorry for the next chapters. 

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