Chapter 14

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Jacob's P.O.V

"What are the doctors saying?"

Charlie huffs, running his hands through his hair. "Swelling has gone down significantly but they can't tell anything until he wakes up. Poor Henry. I knew that boy was trouble the moment I laid eyes on him, I should have done something, looked at his background, anything!"

"Charlie." I lay my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it, trying to give him some reassurance. "We all met him, we all talked to him, if I missed it, I don't blame you for missing it. We were fooled by a criminal and so was Bella. All we have to worry about right now is to find her safe and sound and wish for Henry to get better soon."

Charlie looks at me with despair. "Did they find anything yet?"

"Police cornered them at a rundown motel not much out of Port Angeles, but they ran out into the woods before they had the chance to catch them. They have her car, which means they are on foot as we speak."

"Do you think she tried to fight him off?"

"I could bet every single dollar I ever had on that," I assure him. "But we don't know this man, Charlie. Who knows what kind of shit he's pulling on her to keep her by his side."

"I still cannot believe they won't let me be part of the case," he hissed. "I'm her father, I'm supposed to be out there looking for her."

"You're too emotionally involved, you're her family," I remind him as kindly as I can. Most of the time, I want to wack him just so he would stop fucking whining.

He looks at me. "You're her family too."

"Yes, but more emotionally grounded. I won't hold them back." I let go of him and step back. "Anyway, I'm going back to see if they found anything. Keep me in check if something happens, okay?"

Charlie nods as a response.

I pat Henry's foot, a smile wanting to creep on the corners of my lips as I watch him lay motionless on that hospital bed, connected to all kinds of machines that keep him alive.

"Get well soon, Henry."

Boy, I don't know why the memory of taking him out sure brings a smile to face.

Bella's car speeds off down the street, leaving behind a trail of dust and smoke. The cops will be here in the matter of seconds. I take my gun out from behind me and make sure the safety is on. I notice Henry's body tense before me, his eyes glued to my gun. Poor bastard thinks I'd waste a bullet on him? I'm not that fucking stupid.

"If you think I'll lie for you, you're wrong," he said in a stern tone. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe."

"Oh, I would be disappointed if you did, Henry. That wouldn't be the man I came to know and sometimes admire." I start walking around him, keeping my pace slow, the suspense rising. He doesn't move, almost as if he wants this. "I'm not gonna say it pains me to do this, I know you'll rat me out first chance you get." I hit him on the back of the head with the tail of my gun with all my strength, knocking him out cold. His body drops on the ground like a heavy potato sack. "No hard feelings. I need to buy myself time to get them exactly where I want them."

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