An Odd Conclusion (Finale)

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AJ's Pov:

"So you're the 'AJ' I've been hearing so much about."

This...thing, was the opposite of what I was used to. Her razor-sharp attention focused on me harsher with each passing breath. By entertaining such a colorful appearance, the mare's eyes were dark and menacing; piercing, and deceptive, like a haunted house in the abandoned back area of an amusement park.

"Listen pal, I don't really give a damn what you have to say unless it's about Rainbow's-well, your past, I guess. This isn't about anyone but her."

"Oh, always your knight in shining armor," the entity muttered under her breath, grinning devilishly, "Though you are both idiotic enough to let this nonexistent Borderline prioritize your minds."

I flared up immediately. "Excuse you?"

She split her grin further. "I can't tell you outright, you'll just get more upset with me. And this is much funner. Honestly, it's so like the two of you to make this complicated solution to such a simple problem." She sighed, biting the inside of her cheek, somehow maintaining her gloating smile. "Everyone'll be so disappointed."

"What know what, I ain't even gonna bother. What do you know about the Borderline that we don't?"

The mare giggled, and snorted, then absolutely howled with laughter. "That's the best part! I know everything more than you, but it doesn't matter, can't you see? Who am I kidding, of course you can't. But you will, don't worry, that's why you summoned me, even if you didn't know. Princess?"

She addressed Twilight who, admittedly, I'd forgotten was in the room. Looking around a bit, they had both relocated to one of the bean bag chairs, the notes and clipboard forgotten as they watched with keen interest. Pinkie held a bucket of popcorn, which she almost spilled as Twilight got up ungracefully, brushing off spare kernels of their shared snack.

"Uh, yes? Did you need something?"

A kind smile graced the pegasus. "Yes, actually. Could you please summon up a whiteboard, and maybe a few markers?"

She started to ask, but must've thought better of it, because a second later the desired items flashed into being surrounded by a pink aura.

The other Rainbow clomped her hooves together excitedly. "Thank you very much, Princess Sparkle, your goodliness. Please continue watching our little show, alongside your pinkly soulmate."

This time Pinkie really did spill the popcorn. Twilight's eyes went wide, unable to manage out more than a faint stammer. I turned to the pegasus, a half-disbelieving, half-approving expression adorning my face.

"What? We might have strict rules about not revealing our own subject's soulmate, but Celestia-be-damned if I'm not gonna reveal anypony else's. And," She put on a loud whisper, "It's pretty obvious. Go on, don't let us stop you."

The two glanced at each other, then stood and walked to the door, neither daring even a glance in the other's direction. Holding the door open for Pinkie, Twilight let it nearly close on the both of them before sticking her head back, clearly flustered, and overjoyed.

"I..." She stumbled, the genuine delight in her eyes greater than I'd ever seen. "...thank you, forever."

And she galloped to the end of the long hallway to meet Pinkie in the few seconds it took the door to close.

"Hey. That was really good of you to do."

My words broke the silence, complete apart from her taking the dry-erase markers one-by-one, removing the caps with her mouth, and spitting them onto the floor.

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