Conservator 1 -Rambo-

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Rambo wandered around this unusual place. His nature features hadn't disappeared even though he was in a boundary other then his own. "I've been told of this place, but to be here in the Conservatory is quite strange. I wonder who I may run into..." Rambo started listing other esks he knew of who he might see, As he continued to walk through a forest. Not paying attention to where he is putting his feet Rambo trips over a small rock. "Gods dang it! Who put that there?!" Rambo angrily asks himself as he gets up and shakes his dark green, light green, and brown fur free from any dirt and dust. "ARE YOU OKAY!?" A new voice shouts at Rambo as a small patter of feet grow louder. Suddenly a small esk slightly bigger then a Ferret is looking at Rambo. "I'm fine, just tripped over a stupid rock. Do I know you?" Rambo questions this new esk, starring at it as if that would make it respond faster. "I'm Onyx! The best female bud someone can ask for!" The esk now known as Onyx replies with excitement in her voice. "I'm Rambo, the very clumsy friend." Rambo replied with a slight shyness added to his voice. "So, uh, what's the deal with the walls of this place? Are they made of glass?" Rambo asked the esk kn front of him. Her grey and black tail laid spread out behind her. The Tiny Mousetail that fanned out around her head, almost like a crown, looked very thin to Rambo. "I don't know what their made of, but that's just how they've always been." Onyx replies to Rambo's question after a few minutes of silence. "OH! Look at that! It's shiny to!" Onyx exclaims as she looked to another part of the wall that seemed to be made from walls of a crystal cave. Rambo also noticed and starred for a bit to long, when he finally looked away Onyx had vanished from site. Rambo sighs to himself and stands up, getting ready to explore the Conservatory more.

Rambo starts walking further and further into the forest. Just as it starts thinning out yellow sand covered by shrubs and small cacti could barely be seen. "Cario might be there!" Rambo exclaims with happiness when he thinks of his golden tan and green friend. The sand flew behind him as he kicked it up with he feet. The forest cleared and Rambo noticed his friend walking slowly just before he stopped in front of her. "Sorry for almost running into you Cario!" Rambo quickly apologized to the much taller esk as. "It's all good Rambo! What's the rush?" Cario asked the now slightly flustered Rambo. "I wanted to know when we could go on another adventure! I had fun on the last one we did!" Rambo says quickly, still trying to chatch his breath. "Oh- I'm not sure.when would you like to have another adventure?" Rambo starred into space and thought about that. Finally when he was ready to respond, he saw that Cario was no where near by. "Oh, not again. How long had I been sitting ger?" Rambo questions himself. Getting up, for a third time that day, Rambo wanders into a new forest. This time the trees where losing there leaves, and colors. A wellspring esk even hidden in the distance. Just the soft sounds of running water told Rambo it was there.

Rambo sat down in front of the huge black and white esk. "I have some stories for you! I hope you don't mind me telling them to you!" The small esk explains to the much, much larger, esk that sat in front of him. 'Grandmother Esk' is the only thing he knew to call her by, but he felt rude calling her 'Grandmother Esk' and not by a proper name. He starts to explain his most recent adventure, in the spooky abandoned Hotel, "Cario, a friend of mine, and I were in this abandoned Hotel we had gone to explore in. I had just walked into a bedroom as the floor near me started to make this really loud creaking noise, immediately I got scared thinking the floor was going to fall so I ran to Cario screaming, 'I SAID THE FLOOR WOULD FALL! I SAID IT! I DID!' The moment I got to Cario she said, 'Are you sure it's the floor Rambo?' To witch I nodded. Turns out, it was just a few birds that where walking outside the room." Rambo laughs silently at himself and continues. "I met this really nice esk today who explained this place to-" Rambo was  interrupted by the very esk he was talking about, "Are you talking about me?" Onyx's voice questions. "Yeah, I was just telling her about how you explained how this place worked to me." Rambo, slightly fluster again, explained. "You think I'm nice~" Onyx playfully teased Rambo. The two started playfully bickering as 'Grandmother esk' started to listen to another esk's story as the two go from bickering to talking.

846 words in this story.

Esks in story
Rambo esk #1082
Onyx esk #1037
Cario esk #247

Ap Breakdown
Base Score: 16 AP (Writing: 846 words)
+10 AP (Monthly Prompt)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+30 AP (Other Esk Bonus: 10 AP * 3)
+20 AP (NPC Bonus)
+30 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 3)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)
Total AP per submission: 119

GP Breakdown
Base Score: 8 GP (Writing: 846 words)
+1 GP (Monthly Prompt)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 15

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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